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Holy Family School proud of its Ablaze champion

Dawn Breeze, headteacher of Holy Family Catholic Primary School, with some of the readers involved in the Ablaze project.

For many years pupils at Holy Family Catholic Primary School in Stoke Lodge have had the benefit of learning in partnership with volunteers from local businesses. The Ablaze project provides reading and number buddies for children in Key Stage 2. Workers from Airbus visit the school each week with the aim of improving pupils’ attainment and developing self-esteem.

Pupils from a number of different classes look forward excitedly to their weekly buddy session, where they can share books, listen to stories and practise their maths skills. Not only are they making great strides academically, but meeting adults from different walks of life raises pupils’ aspirations regarding their future in the workplace.

Each year the Ablaze project holds an annual award ceremony, where schools, volunteers and headteachers are recognised for the vital part they play in promoting this innovative venture. This year’s award ceremony was held at Bristol Zoo and Holy Family School is proud to announce that headteacher, Mrs Dawn Breeze, was presented with the Primary School Champion of the Year award for 2014/15.

The award is given to those who demonstrate best practice in co-ordinating the Ablaze project and improving outcomes for pupils. Mrs Breeze has ensured that volunteers have always been welcomed with open arms at Holy Family and the positive outcomes for pupils are obviously apparent. Attitudes to learning are good and children with buddies demonstrate a true love of reading and maths.

Children at Holy Family Primary School are incredibly proud of their headteacher’s achievement and look forward to continuing to work alongside Airbus and Ablaze in the future.

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