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Bradley Stoke to Winterbourne road to be closed for six weeks from Monday

Road closure sign on the B4057, near the junction of Beacon Lane, Winterbourne Road and Old Gloucester Road.

Civil engineering company Skanska has announced that a section of Beacon Lane, which links Bradley Stoke with Winterbourne, is to close for around six weeks from the middle of July, to enable vital bridge repair works to be carried out on behalf of Highways England.

The work on the Winterbourne Lane underbridge, which carries the M4 motorway over the B4057/Beacon Lane, consists of concrete repairs and waterproofing, which the firm says are essential to maintain the integrity of the structure and avoid more costly repairs in the future.

The work is scheduled to start on Monday 20th July and will last for approximately six weeks. The firm says it has chosen to carry out the work during the summer holidays, as this will cause less disruption than doing it during term time. Additional work on the M4 will take place using narrow lanes in September, lasting for approximately four weeks, but this will not impact users of the B4057.

The work will address the root cause of a water leakage problem by removing the existing central reservation on the M4. A solid concrete slab will then be cast to prevent water flowing down to the underside of the bridge.

A company spokesperson said:

“The type of work taking place means we need to close the road to through traffic for the entire duration of the scheme. The closure is to ensure the safety of both the public and our workforce. However, access will remain open to pedestrians and cyclists.”

During the work, a clearly signed diversion will be in place, the details of which are shown in the map below. Access will be maintained for residents and emergency services.

The spokesperson added:

“We will of course make every effort to ensure that the impact of our roadworks on the local community is kept to a minimum. We understand our works may cause some inconvenience and disruption to you, along with other residents and drivers and we would like to apologise in advance and kindly ask for your patience whilst the works are taking place.”

“If you have any queries or comments about the works, please get in touch via the Highways England Information Line on 0300 123 5000.”

Map showing diversion route in force during the closure of Beacon Lane for bridge repairs.

Map: Diversion route in force during road closure (click to enlarge).

This article originally appeared in the July 2015 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine, delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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  1. From the First Bus website:

    The closure of Beacon Lane has now been extended and the completion date is now estimated as Sunday 25th October.

    However the road will be open Monday to Saturday between 06:00 20:00 under 3-way temporary traffic lights and then closed each night between 20:00 – 06:00.

    A full road closure will be in place on SUNDAYS only.


  2. Went through this evening just before 6pm. Open fully, no issues at all, the only traffic lights were the normal permanent 3-way lights for turning on to Old Gloucester Road.

  3. Had this from Skanska today:

    “Unfortunately, the First website is wrong – the road won’t be fully closed overnight during the week, it will be signals. The current full closure of the carriageway has been removed. The remaining work required will be carried out overnight, Monday to Friday, between the hours of 20.00 and 06.00 under the control of three way traffic lights.”

    “We will also be required to do some work on Sundays, under a full closure, with the previous diversion route being used.”

  4. @SH you mean they had their application for permanent road closure for a further seven weeks refused by the Highways Agency?

    These private companies estimating a six week road closure when they know full well the work will take twice that time are becoming a joke.

    All down to how much they have to pay, apparently…….the longer the closure, the more they pay so they pitch their work at six weeks and then blame the weather, the foreman’s wife for getting pleurisy, the digger driver’s cat who had kittens and anything else they can think of to get a free of charge extension.


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