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Out now: July 2015 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine

July 2015 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine.

There’s a strong sports theme in the July edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine, which has reports from all the sporting events at the recent Community Festival (10k run, skate park competition, cricket match) plus news of Bradley Stoke’s first triathlon, planned for August.

Other stories report on plans to close the Bradley Stoke to Winterbourne road for up to six weeks from the middle of July (so that repairs can be carried out on the motorway bridge), the go-ahead for the redevelopment of Filton Airfield (where up to 2,675 new homes will be built) and the announcement of plans for an ice rink and skydiving complex at Cribbs Causeway.

The many other articles in this month’s edition cover Meadowbrook School pupils’ march for road safety, the growing ‘running fever’ in Bradley Stoke (thanks to North Bristol Running Group), the latest news on the Bradley Stoke Carnival (planned for 29th August), local Beaver Scouts’ fundraising for Guide Dogs, the latest achievements of Bradley Stoke in Bloom, two local ladies having their hair chopped to help the Little Princess Trust, north Bristol’s new triathlon club, the first anniversary of the Little Stoke Park junior parkrun, the Bradley Stoke Youth FC Festival of Football, an update from the Three Brooks Nature Conservation Group, the submission of a planning application for Bradley Stoke’s proposed new £260,000 skate park, local firm Dunkley’s sponsorship of Bristol’s ‘Shaun in the City‘ sculpture trail and the 25th birthday celebrations of 1st Bradley Stoke Rainbows.

Useful link: Online resources relating to articles in this month’s magazine

For those who don’t live in Bradley Stoke, you can pick up a copy of the town’s number one news magazine at Bradley Stoke Library. Copies are also be available at many other public places in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke, Stoke Gifford, Stoke Lodge, Patchway, Filton, Almondsbury and Winterbourne. The magazine can also be read online at

Interested in advertising in Bradley Stoke’s only MONTHLY news magazine? Call our sales team on 01454 300 400 to find out how we can give your business MONTHLY exposure for less than you are paying in an annual or quarterly publication.

This month’s magazine is being delivered to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Total print run: 10,100.

The next edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine will be distributed on 1st August 2015; the copy deadline is 20th July. Contact us NOW if you have a suggestion for an article.

Proud to be local: The Bradley Stoke Journal magazine is the only locally-edited print publication serving Bradley Stoke.

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