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Brook Way kebab trader faces licence hearing

Ozzy's Kebabs, Bradley Stoke, Bristol.

The proprietor of Ozzy’s Kebab van, which trades in the car park of Brook Way Activity Centre, has had his annual street trading licence renewal application referred to a South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) sub-committee following an objection from a local resident.

The van has recently been trading at the site on just two nights a week, following a period of non-attendance that is understood to have begun in September 2014.

In October 2014, Ozay Isitman, the owner of the business, told Bradley Stoke Town Council that it was running at a loss and he was finding it very difficult to continue trading. He asked the council to modify his contract so that he would only have use of the pitch on Fridays and Saturdays, which was agreed.

A smaller van finally returned to trade at the site in April this year, but only after town councillors had issued a “turn up or lose the pitch” ultimatum.

Consultation on Mr Isitman’s street trading licence renewal application began on 11th May and has attracted one objection on the grounds of “an increase in odour and grease residue on car windscreens”. Another local resident (identified as living in The Common) comments that he/she has observed grease residue on car windscreens and questions whether the van meets regulations for the filtering of fumes. A third local resident (identified as living in Saxon Way) supports the renewal application, describing the trader as being “very responsible”, adding that he “keeps the area very clean”.

Bradley Stoke Town Council says it is happy for “a trader” to operate at the site, but specifically avoided naming Mr Isitman in its letter to SGC.

The town council’s Finance Committee agreed in October 2013 that up to two food traders should be allowed on each of its three sites, saying that this would be “beneficial for the area, offering residents a wider choice of multi-cultural takeaway food facilities within the town, at the same time as offering an extra income stream for the council”. However, in July 2014, following negative public reaction and a contradictory decision by its own Planning Committee, the council decided to revert to its previous policy of having just one trader at Brook Way, one trader at Baileys Court and no traders at the Jubilee Centre.

SGC’s Licensing Sub-Committee will consider Mr Isitman’s application on Tuesday (23rd June).

Related link: Agenda and reports for the Licensing Sub-Committee hearing

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One comment

  1. The paragraph about the town council’s food trader policy has been amended to note that the multi-trader policy introduced in October 2013 was revoked in July 2014.

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