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New opening hours at Bradley Stoke Pharmacy from Wednesday 6th May

Bradley Stoke Pharmacy, Brook Way, Bradley Stoke, Bristol.

[Advertising Feature] Bradley Stoke Pharmacy, located on Brook Way, alongside Bradley Stoke Surgery, is to reduce its opening hours from Wednesday 6th May 2015, when it merges with the nearby Ferndene Pharmacy (formerly Jhoots Pharmacy and, before that, Lloyds Pharmacy).

Ferndene Pharmacy will cease trading after the close of business on Tuesday 5th May 2015.

The changes come seven months after Bradley Stoke Pharmacy bought Ferndene Pharmacy from Jhoots, with a view to merging the two businesses, subject to approval from NHS England, which has now been granted.

New opening hours from Wednesday 6th May 2015

  • Monday to Thursday: 8.30am to 7.30pm
  • Friday: 8.30am to 6.30pm
  • Saturday: 9am to 12noon
  • Sunday: Closed

Richard Slade, joint owner of Bradley Stoke Pharmacy, said:

“Ferndene Pharmacy has lost a significant amount of business to Bradley Stoke Pharmacy. The amount of work and the number of customers at Ferndene Pharmacy have dropped significantly, which made it financially unviable. The best option was to merge both the branches and provide all possible services from one pharmacy.”

Commenting on the reduction in opening hours, Mr Slade added:

“There is another 100-hour pharmacy in Bradley Stoke and we found that we were only seeing a few customers late at night and at weekends, which, again, didn’t make it financially viable. However, if Bradley Stoke Surgery extends its opening hours in the future, we will do so as well.”

Additional services provided at the pharmacy include repeat prescriptions (ordering, collection and delivery), holiday healthcare advice, Emergency Hormonal Contraception (EHC), NHS Medicines Use Reviews (MUR) and the NHS New Medicine Service (NMS).

Bradley Stoke Pharmacy is an independent community pharmacy which is owned and operated separately from Bradley Stoke Surgery. For further information, please phone the pharmacy on 01454 612855.

Staff at Bradley Stoke Pharmacy: Charlotte Neal, Richard Slade and Ashish Mehta.

Photo: Staff at Bradley Stoke Pharmacy: Charlotte Neal, Richard Slade (joint owner) and Ashish Mehta (joint owner).

Related link: Pharmacies in Bradley Stoke (The Journal)

This article originally appeared in the May 2015 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine, delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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