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Trench Lane boot sale starts again this Sunday

Trench Lane Car Boot Sale, near Bradley Stoke, Bristol.

A popular car boot sale that takes place near Bradley Stoke is due to re-open for the 2015 season this weekend.

The weekly Trench Lane Boot Sale, held on Sundays on a farmland site opposite the entrance to Woodlands Golf Club [map], will open for the first time this year on Sunday 3rd May.

You are reading an old post. For the latest news on the Trench Lane Car Boot Sale, visit the Markets page on this website.

As in previous years, the site will open to sellers and buyers at 7am. Trading goes on until around 3pm, although the number of buyers usually drops off after midday. Sellers are charged £7 for a car or £10 for a van.

For buyers, there is an entrance charge of £1 for a car or 50p for a pedestrian.

Free parking is provided in adjacent fields.

If grabbing a bargain isn’t your thing, there are plenty of other events going on over the weekend, including the Three Brooks Nature Conservation Group’s monthly workday on Saturday (2nd May) and their annual Dawn Chorus Walk very early on Sunday morning (3rd May).

Also on Sunday, the Severnside Ramblers meet for a walk near Beacon Ash, Gloucestershire, while the Stokes Cycling Club offers a medium distance bike ride to Warmley.

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