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Beginners’ running course: From couch to 3 miles in 8 weeks!

Participants of a North Bristol Running Group beginners' course prepare to set off on a run from Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre.

By Moira de Groot of North Bristol Running Group (NBRG).

What a huge success the Beginners’ Course has been at the North Bristol Running Group! Despite the icy, wintry conditions, Alan and Sheila Wilcox have supported over 30 new runners on Wednesday and Friday evenings to learn how to run.

Their goal was to run the parkrun in Little Stoke Park on 7th March. This is a 5km (3.2 mile) run, a distance that most of these people would never have imagined running at Christmastime.

The running programme involves exercises and short runs to begin with, building up to 5km in just 8 weeks.

“Alan, Sheila and the helpers have been so supportive and encouraging – I can’t believe I am actually running,” said one enthusiastic participant, Mrs T.

Following on from this successful course, Alan and Sheila are going to be starting a new ‘From couch to 5km’ course after Easter. Follow North Bristol Running Group on Facebook for updates on where and when to meet. Join us – it’s fabulous!

It is free to join the School Run on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings during term time, or the evening runs on Tuesday and Thursday. Track runs are also offered.

Like the Facebook page for North Bristol Running Group for all the details. We are a very friendly bunch and all abilities are most welcome.

Photo: Participants of the recent NBRG beginners’ course prepare to set off on a run from Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre.

Related link: NBRG runners at the Little Stoke Park Run on 7th March

This article originally appeared in the March 2015 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine, delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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