Measures to reduce congestion at the Aztec West Roundabout on the A38 Gloucester Road look set to be carried out within the next two years after the scheme was included in a successful bid for government funding.
It is one of three Local Pinch Point Schemes that will benefit from a recently announced £18.1 million Growth Deal award made to the West of England Local Enterprise Partnership for the period 2016 to 2021.
A South Gloucestershire Council spokesperson said:
“We are currently investigating improvement options at the Aztec West Roundabout that will include widening of the A38 southbound approach and the provision of pedestrian/cycle crossings.”
“The objective of the scheme is to increase capacity at the junction and enhance pedestrian and cycle crossing facilities. The scheme will be designed and phased to accommodate MetroBus bus priority works at the Bradley Stoke Way approach to the same junction.”
“Subject to the final approval of the Local Growth Funding by the Local Enterprise Partnership, design work will be completed before undertaking consultation with key stakeholders and the general public during 2015. The timetable for carrying out the highway works has not yet been finalised, but the Local Growth Funding award is for 2016/17.”
Photo: Traffic congestion at the Aztec West Roundabout (archive image).
Related links:
- Local Growth Deal 2 (West of England LEP)
- Local Pinch Point Fund (TravelWest)
This article originally appeared in the March 2015 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine, delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,500 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.
What Bradley Stoke needs is a clear traffic strategy to get rush hour traffic out of the town in the morning. Buses, pedestrians and cyclists are not the priority, its cars that we need to get moving, maybe a new slip road onto the M4 in each direction would be a better solution than those suggested above?
The first thing they should do is separate left turning traffic at each junction of the roundabout, and give it right of way.
Then remove the traffic lights into Bradley Stoke from Aztec West, as these always cause the congestion on the Aztec West.
The building of the link road behind Bristol Parkway to the ring road will also help.
There was once a plan for a new M4 junction Beacon Lane between Bradley Stoke and Winterbourne. I doubt this is still on the cards, but a better link from their to the M4/M32 would be a good idea.
Hope the new link road in Stoke Gifford is going to help ease the traffic around that area
Surely the obvious solution is to get rid of the roundabout. Roundabouts are great up to a certain level of traffic. Once it goes above that you can add lights but that only helps you so far. At the level of traffic we’ve got now a straight forward light controlled cross roads would be a far better solution.
It is good to that measures to reduce congestion at the Aztec West Roundabout on the A38 Gloucester Road look set to be carried out after the scheme was included in a successful bid for government funding. The traffic congestion in Bradley Stoke is still mounting up. Same is the case at Old Gloucester Road (Hambrook) and at Gypsy Patch Lane (Little Stoke), which I mentioned earlier in my page A permanent solution to this problem is the proper implementation of Greater Bristol Joint Transport Master Plan. Let see how it will turn up.