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December workday in the nature reserve

Volunteers at the Three Brooks Nature Conservation Group workday (November 2014) in Bradley Stoke, Bristol.

Our December workday was again spent in Savages Wood coppicing hazel & dead hedging much to the dismay of many of the passing dogs, who thought that the pile of freshly cut sticks was an early Christmas present to them!

Sadly, our bird box survey has revealed that the majority of our boxes have either disappeared or have suffered damage and will need replacing, although we have no free funds allocated for this. We estimate that this year vandals have caused well over £1,200 worth of damage on the reserve. On a positive note, the survey did reveal that one of the bat boxes had bat residents!

The two groups who work on the reserve are all volunteers who put in an amazing amount of work, the Conservation Group have amassed 1,077 hours this year (value £9,306) while Thursday’s Green Gym have so far worked an incredible 1,461 hours this year (value £10,227). The reserve is owned by South Gloucestershire Council and the conservation group is supported with an annual Service Level Agreement grant of £1,500 from Bradley Stoke Town Council. More than 50% of the grant funds the free walks and events that we run through the year.

Both groups are free to join and always welcome new members, so if your New Year resolution is to get fitter, volunteer a few hours or just to make new friends, come and join us! Happy New Year!

For further information, visit our website,, email or call Hannah on 0797 142 6266.

Photo: Volunteers on the November workday.

This article originally appeared in the January 2015 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine, delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,450 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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