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Violence and vandalism mar festive period

Police cordon tape.

Incidents of violence and vandalism in Bradley Stoke over the Christmas period have marred celebrations for some local residents.

On Christmas Eve, fights in the Three Brooks public house spilled out into the street, leaving broken glass over the road and necessitating a police response.

Three days later, in the early hours of Saturday 28th December, a Journal reader reported an attempted break-in in Little Green:

“Someone tried breaking into my flat just now at 04:32. I could hear them trying to bend the pc windows out on my ground floor flat. I cleared my throat loudly and they ran off. I could hear two people whispering before they started pulling the windows.”

This was followed by another report on our Facebook page today (Tuesday 30th December):

“Vandalism on Rosemary Close at about 2am last night. Someone smashed our downstairs bathroom window, which woke me up. Doesn’t look like an attempted burglary as the window is very small and highly visible on the street. We reported to the police this morning. Has anyone else had any incidents?”

Also on our Facebook page, several residents reported being woken by the police helicopter hovering over Bradley Stoke at around 1.25am on Christmas Day. The National Police Air Service tweeted later that they had been “assisting with [the] search for a vulnerable missing person”. The outcome of the operation is unknown.

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  1. To use the word “marred” is a gross over exaggeration. It’s good to be made aware of these incidents but keep it in proportion.

  2. mar
    past tense: marred; past participle: marred

    impair the quality or appearance of; spoil.
    “violence marred a number of New Year celebrations”

    Yes, I think that a victim of a violence, those who must suffer the broken glass or property involved, the noise pollution from aggressive stances or perhaps the threat of an intruder into ones home could definitely spoil or impair the quality of this celebration period. Perhaps if you are on the receiving end of incidents like these, the word ‘marred’ might well be an understatement, far from being out of proportion.

  3. Honestly I thought that the “gyspies” who choose to camp near Aldi were responsible for every bad thing in this community. Well it looks like since they have left….there is still some vandalism. By the way lately I have been walking a lot (to take pictures of every corner of Bradley Stoke North) and residents should be ashamed! Why do people leave rubbish everywhere? Can of beer, Domino pizza boxes, KFC, Costa cup,Pizza Hut and a long etc….
    Disgusting! And again…the travellers have gone month ago…so this time What’s your excuse?

  4. i am saddened to hear of the events that have gone on over xmas , i have lived in B Stoke for 8 years and always found it a very nice calm peaceful place. I do hope the people responsible for this disgusting behaviour have been put to rights or at least make decent NY resolutions to be decent human beings in 2015 and going forward. We can but hope. :0(

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