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[Letter] “Arrogance” of our town councillors

Reader's letter (Bradley Stoke Journal).

Like many of your readers, I was amazed at the arrogance shown by our town councillors in ignoring the will of Bradley Stoke residents, who voted in favour of extra car parking at the Brook Way Activity Centre & Bradley Stoke Surgery site, in place of the existing tennis courts (also the cheapest option).

Still, this is something we have experienced for many years – the cronyism, the secret meetings and the cosy little ‘Conservative club’ who think they can walk on water and spend our tax as they wish.

We have the same stale old faces year after year who have gained their seats with marginal votes and have not been challenged by the electorate, so we are all to blame.

Town councils have very little power anyway, and have to obtain permission from South Gloucestershire Council for anything of any significance, and the budget money goes back and forth to pay for services provided by South Gloucestershire anyway. So what’s the point of a town council? Democracy? Accountability? That’s a joke! It’s just another layer of bureaucracy, which we pay for, and an ego trip for most of the councillors.

What we need is more independent councillors at all levels, who have the interest of the public who voted them in, and not their political masters. It should also be compulsory that you live in the area you represent.

Remember, we get what we deserve. Use your vote, it was fought for! And have your say!

Fred Hillberg, Bradley Stoke

This letter originally appeared in the October 2014 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine, delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,450 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

Related link: Brook Way consultation “a costly waste of time,” says disgruntled neighbour

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  1. Wholeheartedly agree, but then what of south glos council ? I note today with interest while working in Yate and Bradley Stoke we have had those messy grass cutters out again , you know the ones that cut and drop ! And yet all council offices are pristine !! Sorry, what are we paying for ?

  2. Considering that the vast majority of residents who actually need to visit Bradley Stoke Surgery live within a mile radius of the site, the need for extra parking needn’t be necessary. I’ve never even seen more than one bicycle locked to the numerous posts made available. I’m also told that there is new research, granted unpopular, that fresh air and gentle exercise such as walking can actually make people feel better. Just a thought.