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“Growing concern” over levels of drug use by teenagers in Bradley Stoke

Cannabis sativa leaf Dorsal aspect. [Credit: JonRichfield link:; licence: CC-BY-SA-3.0)

Specialist youth workers could soon be called into Bradley Stoke to educate young people about the risks and consequences of using drugs, following “growing concern” over levels of cannabis use by teenagers in the town.

The move comes after Bradley Stoke Community School (BSCS) reported in a recent school newsletter that staff were “very aware that some of our students are experimenting out in the community with drugs”.

The preface to the newsletter, published on 26th September, explained:

“We have been alerted to some drug related activity in the local area by the community police team. We are never complacent about such information and intend to work alongside them to ensure that our young people are safe and not involved in risk-taking and illegal activity outside school. Many schools would not acknowledge this concern for fear that parents would think the school ‘has a drug problem’; we do not and our strong stance on drugs is to ensure that school is a totally safe environment for all our students.”

Parents were told that information to support them in understanding the issue of drugs would be made available at upcoming parent consultation evenings and a full page of drugs-related advice was printed on the second page of the newsletter.

Students at BSCS have been reminded via assemblies about the seriousness of bringing banned items into school and warned that doing so could lead to permanent exclusion.

The issue was also raised at a town council meeting this week, where Graham Baker, the council’s youth participation worker, reported that he had met with South Gloucestershire Young People’s Drug and Alcohol team workers and discussed possible joint working with regard to growing concern with levels of cannabis use.

In a statement provided to The Journal by Avon and Somerset Police, Neighbourhood Beat Manager Jamie Shiels said:

“Our police neighbourhood team for Bradley Stoke works closely with all our schools and youth groups to educate young people about the risks and consequences of using drugs.”

“As far as we know, the Community School does not have a drug problem and we applaud its strong stance on drugs to protect its students. We deal robustly with any drugs crimes and issues – only this week our officers arrested more than ten people in a series of drugs warrants across the Yate and Chipping Sodbury area. We know that young people anywhere will experiment with drugs, and we are constantly on alert to deal with the issue if and when it arises in our community.”

Related links: Talk to Frank (friendly, confidential drugs advice)

Photo: Cannabis sativa leaf Dorsal aspect. [Credit: JonRichfield link:; licence: CC-BY-SA-3.0)

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  1. Bravo on the headline, “Growing concern”, horticultural comedy at its finest. 😀

    While it is never acceptable for drink or drugs to be used by anyone under 18, at least they won’t be falling unconscious in the street, urinating against lamp posts and screaming and singing all through the night after a joint. The lesser evil perhaps considering the alternative, alcohol. If anything that hormone fueled teenager might be a bit more laid back, open minded and perhaps not go out getting themselves into trouble. All stoners want to do is eat cookies and play video games according to popular media.

    It is hardly surprising that interest in cannabis is growing in place of alcohol considering alcohols effects on reducing cognitive functions and reducing ordinary men and women to clowns in the street who fight each other for petty fall outs such as disagreements over who can do the longest burp, meanwhile countries around the world are now accepting recreation use of the plant and the scientific evidence that supports the low risk of harm in adults who use it.

  2. Weed is not a problem, social decline, goverments, people rights…

    These are the issues the “people” are more worried about…

    I mean what stoner kid goes an causes trouble??

    The only worries we have is not enough chocolate after there binge in tesco!

  3. Cannabis is a very dangerous drug that is linked to some mental illness when people get older. But unfortunately thanks to some “media” it is more and more acceptable. The problem is not only the young of Bradley stoke, it is also the young and not so young drivers that are smoking cannabis while driving (or just smoked cannabis). The effect can cause bad accident and unfortunately kill innocent. How many car accidents are linked to drugs (especially cannabis)? Every day more and more unfortunately..

  4. I’m sorry Henry, but it simply isn’t true. Cannabis is nearly harmless and has been used for thousands of years without any problems. It ‘may’ trigger psychosis in some individuals with very heavy use, but then so can coffee. It has never directly killed anyone by consuming it, not a single person, and the argument of intoxicated drivers is hypocritical as the same can be said for drink drivers and those on prescription medicines. If something is illegal then it is not controlled. Alcohol requires ID, it is legal and therefore controlled. You can’t stop kids from buying it if those selling it don’t care how old they are.

    The British media are actually very divided on the subject. If you believe everything the nutcase Daily Mail reports say then by all means believe that one toke of cannabis is fatal and the world will end. Studies show that by legalising and controlling sales, overall cannabis consumption decreases as well as allowing medicinal patients access. See Uruguay, USA, Portugal…

    I guess it isn’t your fault though that you have succumb to the hemp propaganda, and I suppose you also believe that by taking a puff of weed the person deserves a criminal record that can affect job prospects and education, or perhaps even a tax paid jail term for a crime that has been scientifically proven to have more health benefits than harm? With a change in legislation the police wouldn’t waste so much time, we’d save money from pointless criminalisation, we’d have tax revenue on the plant, and we’d have a better chance of keeping it in adults hands.

  5. To be fair, who would want to smoke cannabis? It’s a horrible smell and whenever i smell the drug it just reminds me a youth who can’t get a job and be on the dole for life.

  6. lololololol I know because unfortunately I have seen the damage of that nasty drug on a lot of friends. Because this drug is highly addictive and some people smoke cannabis as they smoke cigarrets and the result is awful. I never smoked, or even drink but I really hate the smell of cannabis and the damage on some very good friends. Yes there is medical aspect of it and cannabis can be used in hospitals but at very low dosis.
    The problem as I said I had some friends that replace their cigs by cannabis…and believe me the result is not great! People should be aware of that. This is the same with red wine: see the result (in 15 years)on one person drinking 1 bottle of wine a day and the one drinking one glass a day. The best advice is Don’t touch the cannabis!

  7. During my youth I smoked it over a period of around 8 years on and off, although I gave it up many years ago and haven’t returned simply out of choice and in keeping with the law and to further my career and relationships. There was no difficulty in stopping as there were no withdrawal symptoms nor and hindrance to my intelligence or abilities. In that though time I’d witnessed that actually cannabis use is more widespread than most people are aware. Its use is not simply by those who can’t get a job or live on the dole, but also by professionals, businessman, responsible adults and those from all walks of life. For every drinker there is a smoker. The smell is pungent, an acquired taste perhaps, but the slur of a drunk is also an acquired taste me thinks.

    Considering the potential for actual harm, cannabis is scientifically and socially proven to do far less harm than nearly all other substances. Whilst there is actually a very small risk of psychological harm, this is minute compared to the very real risk of harm caused by alcohol. Just check out the statistics on the NHS for alcohol related admittances. The only statistics you see against cannabis is from the Daily Fail who conjure figures out of thin air. Of course I agree that any drug use should be avoided, but social trends can’t always be stopped when you are talking about perhaps a third of the country that have tried it without any harm done. If you are going to persecute the quiet smoker, you should also persecute the drinker that plagues our streets at night, causes aggressive behaviour and actually does induce physical addiction in its victims.

    Like I said before though, sometimes you can’t win a battle like this. The war on drugs has failed in regard to cannabis, and worldwide this has become so apparent that changes have begun to take place. Regulate it, take it out of criminal hands, and only sell it to adults. We get the tax, and kids can’t get hold of it. Hell, I’m in my 30’s and I get asked for ID to buy a bottle of champagne at New Year!

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