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BSCS A-level results buck national trend

A-level high-achievers at Bradley Stoke Community School (l-r): Sophie Maxted, Alex Shoferpoor and Joe Whetter.

Bradley Stoke Community School (BSCS) appears to have bucked the national trend in A-level results by maintaining its average points score per entry from last year of 208 and achieving a big increase in average points per student to 733 (683 last year).

Executive headteacher Dave Baker said there were some phenomenal individual successes at both A2 and AS levels, including:

A2 examination results

  • Alex Shoferpoor A*A*A* + A at AS
  • Sophie Maxted A*AA + A at AS
  • Joe Whetter AAA + Dist* in Y12
  • Daisy Hodgkinson A*AA
  • Cara Hodgkinson A*AB

AS examination results

  • Peter Smyth AAAB and A in EPQ
  • Matt Portch AAAB
  • Alex Sargent AAAB
  • Shannon Robbins AAAC
  • Harry Willis AABB and B in EPQ
  • Josh Machado AABC
  • Gemma Jones Dist*AA

Across England, Wales and Northern Ireland, the BBC reports that there has been a slight fall in A* and A grades and the pass rate is down for the first time in over 30 years.

Stoke Gifford’s Abbeywood Community School (ACS), which is linked with BSCS through the Olympus Academy Trust, has seen a slight dip in headline figures compared with previous years, in line with what is being reported nationally. The average points score per entry at ACS was 187 (216 last year) and the average total points score was 669 (728 last year).

Mr Baker, who is also executive headteacher at ACS, commented:

“With positive GCSE outcomes anticipated in both schools next week, we expect large numbers of students to start studies in both post-16 centres in September.”

“Both schools are members of The Concorde Partnership, along with Patchway Community College and South Gloucestershire and Stroud College, with whom the schools have a shared timetable with transport provided for students to travel to other centres for half-day timetable blocks. This has provided a significant increase in the range of courses available to students in all centres and gives opportunities for shared planning and training for staff as well. The partnership adds value to each of the schools and the college and is key to the successes of each centre.”

Photo (l-r): BSCS high-achievers Sophie Maxted, Alex Shoferpoor and Joe Whetter. Sophie is going to Bristol University to study Law, Alex is going to Magdalen College, Oxford to study Law and Joe is going to Southampton to study Chemistry.

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