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[Forum] Concern over stones being thrown at ducks by youths

Lake at the Three Brooks Local Nature Reserve, Bradley Stoke.

Yesterday evening (Sunday 3rd August), my husband and I walked down to the lake in Bradley Stoke with our dog.

At the lake was a group of young people, approx. 14-16 years old. One of them, a young lad about 14 was throwing stones into the lake. The ducks, thinking he was throwing food, had all congregated very near him. When l saw what he was doing I asked him to stop. As I was doing this, one of the stones hit one of the ducks.

Both of us shouted at him and told him to stop it, at which point he started turning nasty. We told him if he hit one more duck, I would call the police. He then became very agitated and said that us shouting at him was making him throw more stones in the lake.

At this point we decided to leave. This was one very nasty little man who had no manners and a complete disregard for the ducks on the lake.

Please can people look out for this behaviour at the lake. I only wish l had taken his photo with my phone and emailed it to all the local headmasters in the area.


Image: Archive photo of the Three Brooks lake in Bradley Stoke.

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  1. This has been going on for months. I regularly run through the area and dodge stones they are throwing (normally at each other across the bridge). Never seen them throwing at wildlife but they have stopped when I’ve asked in the past (probably to aim at me after I continue on my run. It makes me avoid the area to be honest. Very dangerous!

  2. You need to inform the police so that they can be aware of the issue, PC Claire Fletcher is the local beat manager, she can be contacted through the website.
    Police can’t deal with what they don’t know about.
    A photo would probably be helpful but don’t put yourself at risk.