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Work starts on bringing faster broadband to central Bradley Stoke

The casing for a new fibre-enabled broadband cabinet (no. 34) is lifted onto its base.

Hundreds of people in the broadband ‘slowspot’ of central Bradley Stoke could soon be able to order new ‘superfast’ services after work began to install a new fibre-enabled telephone cabinet on the corner of Brook Way and Savages Wood Road.

Roads served from this cabinet (no. 34) include Crystal Way, Diana Gardens, Kemperleye Way, Penrose Drive, Snowberry Close, The Spinney and Three Brooks Lane.

The casing for the new cabinet was lifted onto its base on Friday afternoon (see photo above) but it is believed that a significant amount of work remains to be done before the facility goes live.

If experience from other recent cabinet upgrades in the town are any guide, this could take around six to eight weeks, meaning that the first subscribers could be enjoying connection speeds up to 76Mbps (more than fifty times current levels for some) by early August.

Are you connected to cabinet 34? To find out, follow the instructions on our Superfast Broadband Upgrade Status page.

Consumers on exchange only (EO) lines, which are connected directly to the Almondsbury telephone exchange without passing through a street-side cabinet, will not benefit from the current work. In order to bring superfast broadband to this group of subscribers, it will be necessary to rearrange the existing copper network and install cabinets at completely new locations. South Gloucestershire Council, which is part-funding the superfast broadband work under a state-subsidised programme, has previously said that it expects the first EO cabinets in Bradley Stoke to be installed in the autumn.

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  1. Fantastic news that cabinet 34 is finally in the process of being upgraded. I guess this must be last cabinet of any significance left to be upgraded in Bradley Stoke?

    My old ADSL line is this evening giving me the very paltry performance of 2 Mbps and this is being fought over by two children trying to access the Internet to do their homework, their father (me) trying to remotely access my office network to do some work and my wife doing some eBay! Soooo slow!!! Getting access to up to 76 Mbps of bandwidth can’t come too quickly!

    Good to see that BT were even working on the upgrade over the weekend.

    Let’s hope the homes with Exchange Only lines can be sorted out quickly too and that will finally be the end of the fiasco of slow broadband connection problems in Bradley Stoke. If only Virgin Media had had enough business sense to have installed lines to all these homes years ago, they could have collected an awful lot of additional revenue by now. A shame it’s taken a local campaign, a Government subsidy and several years of waiting before we’ve finally got broadband fit for the 21st century.

  2. Just buying a house in Snowberry close and it’s connected to cabinet 34.
    Is August a realistic timescale for FTTC orders?
    Any idea how long will it take after ordering to get it up and running?

  3. @zebs, The August estimate mentioned in the article is based on the actual timescales noted on previous cabinet upgrades in Bradley Stoke (see historical data on our Superfast Broadband Upgrade Status page). Of course, there’s no guarantee that the times for cabinet 34 will be similar. Expect order to installation time to be about two weeks.

  4. I may have spoken too soon! Statement just in from a spokesperson at South Gloucestershire Council:

    “I’m really pleased to be able to let you know that cabinet 34 is now live and ready for service. As with the previous cabinets, it can take ISPs up to two weeks for the new services to become available, and residents and businesses will need to contact their ISPs directly to arrange an installation appointment.”

  5. I made contact with talktalk customer service yesterday with a view to upgrading to fibre…they informed me that Linden Drive will be ready before the end of the year!!

    I am hoping that we will be included in the cabinet 34 upgrade when it is ready.

    I am holding my breath.

  6. We’re in Snowberry Close, We phoned BT this morning, they said we have to wait for a leaflet to drop through the door – about 2 weeks time – and then we can sign up. They wouldn’t let us sign up yet. Has anyone else from Cabinet 34 tried yet please?? tia

  7. @mumsy, Does the BT Broadband Availability Checker say FTTC (fibre broadband) is available for your telephone number? There’s no point trying to order until it does. SGC has said it could be up to two weeks after the cabinet went live (Thursday 26th June) until we can order the new service.

  8. Hi, I don’t know what box number my street is connected to, I’m at Merryweather close, most of the streets next to my have got the option to upgrade already and I just want to know approximately when can I upgrade and if possible what number exchange station box am I connected to, thanks

  9. @Ray. That means you’re on an exchange only (EO) line, so won’t benefit from the upgrade of cabinet 34. It’s all explained on the page linked to above. SGC says you won’t get an upgrade until autumn, at the earliest.

  10. Wow thanks for the information – that is really good news.
    We may be able to order straight away when we move in!
    I just put the house phone number in again to the checker and still no fibre availability showing up as of today – will try again in a couple of days and let you know.

  11. @NeileWheelie, Thanks for the update. If you can tell us which cabinet you’re on, we will update our status page.

  12. Looks like there might be some progress on the EOLs. indicates work to install new PCP at Manor Farm roundabout and also at Aldi roundabout – starting 7th July.

  13. Just an update, Diana Gardens.
    As of this morning the BT Line checker shows Fiber available, but no speeds.
    So I then check availabilty on BT and EE website, but they still say fiber is NOT available. Damn!

  14. @RI as far as I’m aware that’s just Fibre Multicast and not the actual Fibre (FTTC) connection. Basically, Multicast is there so that TV can be streamed using the Fibre connection – such as BT Sport or BT TV etc.

  15. @RI, It’s ‘FTTC’ that you need to look out for in the checker results. Once that appears, you should be able to order fibre broadband from the ISP of your choice, although some (e.g TalkTalk) seem to take longer than others before being able to accept orders.

  16. This work is irrelevant. Installing limited numbers of fiber broadband capabilities to the local area does nothing to support the increase in those on standard ADSL connections.

    I have for 5 years paid for between 8-16mb broadband as these speeds tend to be the minimum packages from ISP’s, even following the work done in the past year the standard maximum connection is still limited to 4mb.

    I refuse to pay nearly double the price for the privilege to use faster broadband and feel utterly let down by this entire facade that is this ‘upgrade’.

  17. @slow, You’re missing the point. Most properties in Bradley Stoke are so far from the exchange that they’re never going to get anywhere near those “up to” ADSL speeds. ADSL is old technology; fibre is the future. I think most people in Bradley Stoke will be happy to pay the £5-£10 premium for speeds up to fifty times what they are getting now. In two years time, fibre broadband will be the standard package offered by ISPs and will probably cost no more than ADSL does now.

  18. Interesting – – between 22nd July – 30th July — More work will be happening by cabinet 32. – But on – states PCP 31? Maybe a brand new cabinet for EOL?

  19. Will – between 10th & 14th July there is work to “Erect/renew 1 PCP cabinet” – I assume that’s the new cabinet 31 referred to in the subsequent NGA work.

    Currently hoping that’s to connect ALL exchange only lines – and not just some of them.

  20. Hi

    All EO lines from Almondsbury to Bradley Stoke will probably be in one bundle, before splitting into into smaller bundles somewhere in or near Bradley Stoke.

    It is very unlikely that adding a new cabinet 32 would hanle all EO lines in Bradley Stoke, as when the distance increases above 800m, VDSL2 is worse than ADSL.

    This new work will be to add extra capacity for 32 and to handle local EO lines.

  21. The work to erect a new PCP has shifted again to 18-22 Jul. The work to put a new NGA cabinet in lists it as being for PCP31 – as far as I know there isn’t a cabinet 31, so the assumption is that the new PCP will be 31. I can’t think why they’d put in a new cabinet except to handle EOLs. Whether it will be all of them remains to be seen. 800m from the cabinet should give you around 34Mbps according to figures on the internet.

    Work to install a new PCP opposite Aldi has also re-appeared – presumably that’s for the EOLs up that end of town.

    Anyone know how they wire a new PCP in? Do they just cut the wires and plug into the new cabinet?

  22. Hi

    I apoligise for my earlier estimate. VDSL2 dropped off from 80Mbs is significant from 200m to 800m, (80Mbs->34Mbs), and then falls more slowly to 8Mbs at aprroximatly 3Km.

    On this basis one or two new cabinets for EO lines could provide every with good broadband band, but I’d still prefer BT to roll out sufficient cabinets so every one was withing 800M.

  23. My internet contract is coming up for renewal soon and as i’m on an EO line and seeing SGC note that not all EO households would benefit from the upgrade, i’m in 2 minds to hold off till we get the upgrade or actually renew for normal broadband.

  24. I contacted South Glos Council & cabinet 31 is being installed as part of the EO line solution!

    Fingers Crossed I’m on that cabinet!

  25. It looks like a new cabinet (no. 30) has been installed at the very top end of Bradley Stoke Way, just off the Aztec West Roundabout (near the Hilton hotel). Assumed to be part of the EO line solution.

  26. Have been in contact with TalkTalk customer service again today, and according to their records I should be able to upgrade to fibre in about 2 or 3 weeks time in Linden Drive.

    They will email me when it has gone live…and then I will be looking into upgrading my line…roll on some speed.

  27. So says work will be happening between 16th -18th July – however nothing yet.. maybe from 22nd July then as thats the next date work is meant to happen…..

  28. Just ordered it and engineer is booked for 2 weeks time.

    Very happy that our part of Bradley Stoke is being dragged into the 21st Century

  29. The phone number I’ve been given for the house we’re purchasing says Fibre is available now – good stuff.

    Choice of ISPs now I guess.
    Is Bradley Stoke LLU enable for Sky?

  30. There is now a cabinet installed next to cabinet 34. (looks like a street cabinet not the other cabinet they have been installing)

  31. Ivor in Crystal Way (on cabinet 34) reports that he has successfully ordered fibre broadband from BT. Provisional installation date is 15th August.

  32. Just been through the ordering process with Plusnet, for a line on cabinet 34, and the earliest date offered for installation was 4th August.

  33. I have just walked past the new cabinet 31 and to see an EO line solution go in is excellent news for all. I Do however feel that that those of us who are not in scope of BDUK need to act, as it has now been confirmed that the FTTC commercial roll out for BT has ended so anybody who lives in a postcode not in scope for BDUK funding will not get the EO line solution and therefore will not get super fast broadband which leaves us with very poor connection speeds of less than 1MB, which is frankly pathetic.

  34. I’ve just seen guys installing a new cabinet, next to 34. It is smaller than the FTTC cabinets. One of the workers told me that “it was for those lines that don’t pass through cabinets”. Presumably the EO lines.

  35. A resident of The Spinney reports that their home is due to be connected to superfast broadband from cabinet 34 on 28th July. Their ISP is BT.

  36. A second FTTC cabinet has appeared, next to 34. There are now 5 cabinets on that corner. Today saw engineers wiring up the new (smaller) cabinet.

  37. According to BT plan to install 2 new cabinets on the side of 42 oaktree crescent. I wonder if thats part of the exchange only programme, be really happy if so!

  38. @Cisco: Yes, it’s a new fibre-enabled cabinet for exchange only (EO) lines. SGC still saying ‘autumn’ for first fibre connections on EO lines, so don’t get too excited. More details in the August edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine, out this coming weekend.

  39. Thanks for confirming SH (Editor) :), I’m not too fussed about waiting till Autumn I’m just happy that we’re included after seeing comments from SGC saying that not all EO lines will be included due to lack of funds… Think it was SGC anyway!

  40. I have successfully ordered fibre optic connection for my apartment in Shepherds Walk. the installation date is 11th august!!!
    Finally the big wait is over!!!

  41. Can anyone explain why 100 – 105 Diana Gardens does not have superfast but the rest of the street does and when checking our numbers on the BT checker it says it has no data.

  42. @sh Probably the case but no one in any organisation can confirm that, whether you call BT or Talk Talk. Note my frustration that the house 10 yards away can.

  43. @Andy: Have you tried using the address checker? What is the result?

    There’s little point contacting ISPs until the checker shows that you have access to FTTC, as the ISPs will be using the same BT Wholesale database that the checker is accessing.

    With regard to EO lines, it’s not uncommon for there to be a mix of cabinet and EO lines in the same street.

  44. My house is connected to cabinet 34 (in The Spinney) and I’m extremely delighted that, as from this morning, I’m now finally connected to Superfast Broadband. Currently getting download speeds of around 50Mbps, so a huge improvement over the 2Mbps I was getting with my old ADSL line only yesterday.

    Thanks to everyone who has campaigned over the years for decent broadband provision in Bradley Stoke. It’s sad that it needed a government subsidy to get it (which to me should have been totally unnecessary), but at least we now have the broadband throughout most of the town that we should have had several years ago – if only Virgin Media had got its act together!

    I hope everyone on EO lines is offered the same opportunity in the very near future. BT seems to be making good progress with this, so fingers crossed.

  45. Can anyone please tell me if Linden drive will get fibre broadband ,I believe we are EO not sure how to find out,many thanks

  46. I’m happy for the people on EO lines that are connected to the Almondsbury Exchange that finally have faster Internet, however those that have lived in Bradley Stoke for 24+ years and are connected to EO Lines from the Filton Exchange seem to have been forgotten. Most of these homes are on 4km plus lines where we are luckly to get 2mbps (200Kb download) on a sunny day with the wind coming from the west.
    You get no straight answer from South Glos when it comes to asking for an update, and when you do it normally “It’s being planned” (That statement has been quoted for the past 4 months). It doesn’t take 4 months to plan unless you have a useless project management team doing the work.
    They also haven’t updated their own web page in over 3 months with any updates on the project as a whole.
    I’m starting to get that unpleasant feeling that anything south of Savages Wood Road / Brook Way Roundabout is going to get left behind.

  47. @Simon G: Do you not have access to Virgin Media cable? If you’ve been living in Bradley Stoke 24 years then your house would surely have been cabled up when United Artists laid the original cable network in the town?

    The objective of the government subsidised project to roll-out Superfast broadband in central Bradley Stoke, was to give access to households that don’t have any access to Virgin Media’s network. SGC’s view of your end of town might be that if you have access to Virgin Media’s network then it’s not a priority to give you access to BT’s network. Just a thought – assuming you do have access to Virgin Media.

    back in the days when it was United Artists or TeleWest who owned the cable network that eventually became Virgin Media’s.

  48. Can I ask that readers hold fire with questions about EO lines until the magazine article on that topic appears on the website early next week.

    Cases where homes are outside the SGC/BDUK intervention area (0117 numbers on the BT Filton exchange or supposedly covered by Virgin Media) but don’t actually have access to superfast broadband will be covered in a later article – please email details of your circumstances to Thank you.

  49. @ Steve D: Nope there has never been any plans by Virgin / UA / Telewest to provide fibre internet to this area from the time the house was built to present day.
    It’s something that gets asked each year and it’s always the same answer – No not at this present time and not on the 4yr future plan.
    The main pipe is so close (Brook Way I think) but they don’t believe there is enough people who want it.
    I would also like to add that we are techincally “Central Bradley Stoke”, which is as the project shows us, based on the 2 diagrams they show, we are just before the edge where it becomes South Bradley Stoke which does have BT & Virgin fibre services.

  50. As of today fibre up and running from cab 34 in Diana Gardens, so far avg speed of 28-29Mb. been a long wait but finally we are here!!

  51. Yes, it appears things are rolling along just fine, with the engineers down in the trench amongst the cables on cabinet 31 yesterday for the EO lines.
    Roll on autumn!!

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