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Newspaper deliverers sought for monthly rounds

Bradley Stoke Journal magazine covers: Six issues to May 2014.

The Bradley Stoke Journal has vacancies for deliverers of its monthly magazine, distributed on the first weekend of every month.

We have an immediate vacancy for a deliverer to service a round in north Bradley Stoke, covering streets that include Campion Drive and Brackendene. This would suit someone who lives in that part of Bradley Stoke. Minimum age: 14.

We are also looking for someone with their own (or a parent’s) transport, to act as holiday cover. For this role, you would need to be prepared to deliver anywhere in our circulation area, which covers the whole of Bradley Stoke and parts of Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge.

In the first instance, please express your interest by emailing us on Please state your age (if under 18), tell us where you live (if interested in the north Badley Stoke round) and give a telephone number on which you can be contacted.

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