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Airfield redevelopment consultation event at the Willow Brook Centre

Artist's impression of the central park at the former Filton Airfield site.

Representatives of the company behind the proposed redevelopment of the Filton Airfield site will be at the Willow Brook Centre in Bradley Stoke tomorrow (Wednesday 14th May) for a ‘drop-in’ consultation event.

A spokesperson for the company told The Journal:

“Following the six consultation events held in February, we are now holding a second round of events. As part of these events, local residents are being asked to help choose the name for the development and the streets and buildings within it.”

“We will also release some profiles of celebrated engineers and pilots on our website, but we want local residents in the area to provide us their suggestions first. An example could be to call it Concorde Park, as the most widely known plane to have been developed and flown from Filton.”

Tomorrow’s event at the Willow Brook Centre runs from 3pm to 8pm.

Further ‘drop-in’ events are also being held later this week at other venues in north Bristol, as follows:

  • Thursday 15th May (3pm to 8pm) at the Greenway Centre, Doncaster Road, Southmead, Bristol BS10 5PY
  • Friday 16th May (3pm to 8pm) at BAWA, 589 Southmead Road, Filton, Bristol BS34 7RG

The spokesperson added:

“There will also be more information about transport improvements planned for the wider area, which was one of the main interests of local people at previous events, as well as new jobs and museums planned for the site.”

Further information is available by contacting the Filton Airfield community relations team on 0800 130 3270 or

Image: Artist’s impression of the central park.

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  1. It seems strange, the Cribbs Patchway development is in Almondsbury and Patchway, yet the consultations are in Bradley Stoke, Southmead and Filton, how is that consulting the residents?

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