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Anger as dog waste collections missed and 24 bins removed

Overflowing dog waste bins in Bradley Stoke.

Bradley Stoke residents who recently complained about a spate of overflowing dog waste bins around the town have reacted angrily to the sight of council workers removing a large number of the receptacles.

Several emails about overflowing bins were received by The Journal over the Christmas holidays and there was another surge in activity during March, with several readers providing photos (see examples, above).

Speaking at April’s Finance Committee meeting, Bradley Stoke Town Council’s Premises Manager John Rendell confirmed to The Journal’s editor that the council had also received scores of complaints, and he laid the blame on South Gloucestershire Council’s (SGC’s) Streetcare team, which is contracted by the town council to empty the bins.

According to Mr Rendell, the SGC operative who normally empties the bins had been on holiday and nobody was tasked to substitute for him. He added that he had accompanied the operative on a recent round to make sure that all the bins are being visited.

Explaining why a number of dog waste bins have been removed since 1st April, Mr Rendell said that the town council had agreed in September 2013 to reduce the number of dog waste bins in the town from 57 to 33. As reported in The Journal at the time, the decision was made to avoid additional emptying costs being incurred by the town council after SGC said it would no longer empty 21 of the bins free-of-charge, and was justified by the fact that dog waste may now be placed in general litter bins.

Mayor Brian Hopkinson said he had been astonished to hear of some people depositing large bags of waste in the council’s bins and noted that dog waste may now be placed in householders’ own black bins.

Bradley Stoke Town Council can be contacted on 01454 205020.

Above: Photos of overflowing dog waste bins sent in by Journal readers during March.

This article originally appeared in the May 2014 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine, delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,450 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

Postscript: Further complaints were raised by residents at this week’s Bradley Stoke Safer and Stronger Community Group meeting. One person reported that plastic bags containing dog waste were being thrown into hedges and gardens near Cooks Close, after a dog waste bin had apparently been removed in the vicinity. Another pointed out that many general waste bins in the town are located close to residential properties or public benches and allowing dog waste to be deposited in them is likely to lead to unpleasant smells, especially over the summer.

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  1. Why are so many supposed dog owners complaining. Isn’t picking up behind your dog and disposing of it a responsibility that you take on when taking on a dog. We have carried a used dog bag miles to dispose if it. Even bringing it home in the boot of the car. Stop moaning and get on with being a responsible pet owner.

  2. 2 dog waste bins have been removed from Baileys Court Road near Pursey Drive and Arden Close, but 5 waste bins remain around the Bailey’s Court cricket pitch – most within sight of each other! How does that make sense? I also think that having a dual purpose open-top litter bin including dog waste, right alongside a bus stop is potentially unpleasant due to odours and flies. I don’t have a problem taking dog waste home, but if you are providing public receptacles, do so with intelligence.

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