Setback for council’s controversial multiple food trader plan

Ozzy's Kebab, Brook Way Activity Centre, Bradley Stoke.

Bradley Stoke Town Council’s plan to allow multiple food traders to operate in the car park of each of its three community centres has suffered a setback after the first trader to apply to South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) for a street trading licence on one of the sites was told that planning permission for a “change of use” would be required.

Last year, Santiago Pablo, owner of Papas Pizzas, was granted a permit by the town council to trade at Brook Way Activity Centre on four evenings a week, making him the second operator allowed to trade at that site.

Mr Pablo subsequently applied to SGC for the necessary street trading licence and his application was due to be considered by the council’s Licensing Sub-Committee on 18th March. However, the hearing was cancelled after the trader withdrew his application.

Mr Pablo told The Journal that he had withdrawn his application because he had been informed by SGC that he would also require planning permission for a “change of use” of the Brook Way site.

Prior to Mr Pablo making his licence application, the town council had concluded, following an exchange of letters with SGC, that because the area of the car park occupied by a street trader “would remain as car parking spaces for 75% of the time, a material change of use would not take place and planning permission would not be required,” although it was stressed that “no final definitive answer” had been given by SGC.

Mr Pablo added that he believed the town council should foot the bill for a planning application, as, once granted, the permission could be transferred to another permit holder of the town council’s choosing, should he decide to give up his pitch.

Asked about the issue at the March meeting of the town council’s Planning Committee, town clerk Sharon Petela confirmed that SGC is now advising that planning permission for a “change of use” is required, but insisted that obtaining this is the responsibility of the trader rather than the council.

She added that the two current traders (or their predecessors) on the council’s sites had both made their own applications for planning permission, thereby establishing a precedent.

Even if Mr Pablo can be convinced to fund a planning application, and it is successful, he has a further hurdle to overcome in the form of six letters of objection, from neighbours of the Brook Way site, to his application for a street trading licence.

Ozzy’s Kebabs, the other business in possession of a town council permit to trade at Brook Way, began operating at the site in early March. Although the owner had been paying rent to the council since taking over the pitch from Oasis Foods last year, he had not been trading pending the fitting out of a new van.

Papas Pizzas continues to trade in the car park of Baileys Court Activity Centre on Thursday and Friday nights, where it continues to be the sole trader.

No applications have so far been forthcoming from operators wishing to trade at the Jubilee Centre, where neighbours accused the council of failing to carry out a promised consultation.

Photo: Ozzy’s Kebab van, a new arrival in the car park at Brook Way Activity Centre.

This article originally appeared in the April 2014 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine, delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,450 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

Related link: Takeaway Food in Bradley Stoke (The Journal)

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  1. My husband Santiago Pablo was approached yesterday evening by local residents as they had received written notification from SGC of an application from a Kebab Van to trade alongside Papas Pizzas in the Bailey’s Court Activity centre 7 days a week until 11.30 pm, residents were upset and concerned that this will cause an overflow on the small car park as the cricket and football training season is about to begin, and the anti social behaviour it could entice. Papas Pizzas has and continues to work closely with the police and Activity Centre staff to combat this. Brian Hopkinson the Mayor of Bradley Stoke, passed the application to have 2 mobile traders in each of its sites, but promised it would be a variety and not the same as we already have 2 kebab vans. There is also the fact of the change of use, has this applicant been advised upfront as Papas Pizzas was NOT when he applied for the Bradley Stoke Surgery, which he has subsequently withdrew as SGC confirmed that it would not get approved. Papas Pizzas has the change of use in place for the Thursday and Friday, the new applicant would have to also apply for change of use for those days. In your previous report it was quoted that Sharon Petela Town Clerk had advised that SGC had said it should be the individual trader that applies for change of use, that statement is not true, Papas Pizzas was told by a representative of SGC street trading that as it was Bradley Stoke Council that passed this application for multiple traders to enable the council to draw in more money then it should be the Bradley Stoke Council that applies for the change of use. One trader in each site is enough. Let’s see how this all pans out…..

  2. Fast food, is a fast way to a shortened life! FACT so Why are BSTC promoting and encouraging unhealthy eating for maybe £15 a week rental yet it will cost the nhs more in the long run. & Is it right street traders can trade 365 days of the year? Not to mention at Brookway ozzys kebab van is situated in the same car park as the doctors surgery, who also have car parking issues? Ironically even the paper copy of the journal managed to promote fast food on one page p12 and on the opposite page p13 Kelly’s award for slimming world. Crazy stuff!!

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