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MetroBus plans submitted: New bus lanes for Bradley Stoke Way

Proposed bus rapid transit route in North Bradley Stoke.

A planning application for the North Fringe to Hengrove Package (NFHP) MetroBus, a “rapid bus route” between the Bristol North and East Fringes and South Bristol via Bristol City Centre, has been submitted to South Gloucestershire and Bristol City councils.

If approved, the project will result in significant changes being made to Bradley Stoke Way and the Aztec West Roundabout, both of which lie on the section of the MetroBus route between Cribbs Causeway and Parkway North.

According to the West of England Office, which is promoting the project on behalf of four local councils in the former Avon area, “MetroBus services will be fast, frequent and reliable with new, low-emission vehicles. They will provide high quality passenger facilities, information and interchanges and safe and secure access to stops. Services will run on segregated routes in some places, and will be given priority over other road users at traffic signals when running on the public highway. The route will incorporate new bus stops and shelters, and shared cycleway and footway as appropriate.”

Carriageway works

In the vicinity of the Aztec West Roundabout, carriageway works will include:

  • Road widening and footway relocation to enable installation of dedicated bus lane for left turn movement from Bradley Stoke Way to Gloucester Road.
  • Road widening and footway relocation to enable installation of dedicated bus lane for eastbound entry to Bradley Stoke Way from Aztec West roundabout.
  • Reconfiguration of Woodlands Lane/Bradley Stoke Way Junction.

Between the Woodlands Lane junction and Patchway Brook Roundabout (near Aldi):

  • Road widening and footway relocation to the north of Bradley Stoke Way to enable installation of dedicated bus lane for westbound movements from Woodlands Lane to Patchway Brook Roundabout and associated works.

Between Patchway Brook Roundabout and Savages Wood Roundabout (near Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre):

  • Road widening on north side of Bradley Stoke Way to reposition the carriageway centreline and enable installation of dedicated bus lane for westbound movements between Patchway Brook Roundabout and Primrose footbridge (to the east) and associated works.

Between Great Meadow Roundabout (Baileys Court Road) and Great Stoke Roundabout:

  • Road widening and footway relocation on east side of Bradley Stoke Way, north of Great Stoke Roundabout to enable installation of dedicated bus lane for southbound movements.

New bus stops

New MetroBus bus stops and shelters will be constructed on Bradley Stoke Way as follows:

  • On the eastbound carriageway approach to Patchway Brook Roundabout.
  • On the westbound carriageway on approach to Patchway Brook Roundabout.
  • On the eastbound carriageway adjacent to Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre and Library.
  • On the westbound carriageway adjacent to Willow Brook Centre.
  • On the southbound and northbound carriageways, on their respective approaches to Webbs Wood Roundabout.
  • On the southbound carriageway on approach to Great Meadow Roundabout.
  • On the northbound carriageway on approach to Great Meadow Roundabout.

According to a Planning Statement submitted with the application, land in the south-eastern quadrant of the Aztec West Roundabout, comprising a redundant section of Woodlands Lane, will be used as a site compound during the construction phase.

South of Bradley Stoke, the MetroBus will pass along Great Stoke Way before joining the planned Stoke Gifford By-Pass at the Parkway North Roundabout.

The total cost of the NFHP project, including the construction of the Stoke Gifford By-Pass, is estimated at £102 million, with 50% coming from the Department for Transport (DfT), 30% from South Gloucestershire Council and 20% from Bristol City Council.

The councils are hoping to receive final approval of funding from the DfT by the end of 2014, allowing contracts to be awarded in spring 2015.

How to find out more

Full details of the planning application (ref: PT14/1004/F) may be viewed on the SGC website. Paper copies of the near 400 documents are also available for inspection at Bradley Stoke Town Council’s office and Patchway One Stop Shop.

Bradley Stoke Town Council will discuss its response to the application at a meeting of its Planning Committee due to be held at the Jubilee Centre on 23rd April (7pm start).

Image (above): Part of an indicative diagram published as part of the pre-application consultation in 2012. Please note that this diagram does not form part of the current planning application and may contain information that has since been superseded.

This article originally appeared in the April 2014 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine. Our magazine is delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,450 homes in Bradley Stoke, Little Stoke and Stoke Lodge. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

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  1. It seems the SGC planning portal is currently down with a “server problem”, so you’ll have to wait until that is fixed before viewing the plans online.

  2. Let’s hope any bus lane is enforced better than the one on A38 northbound approach to Aztec West Roundabout – which many seem to treat as their own personal way to the front of the queue.

  3. The SGC planning portal is now fixed, but navigating the near 600 documents for this planning application is nigh on impossible.

    Useful starting points might be:

    * Sadly SGC’s planning portal doesn’t allow you to create a permanent link to an individual document, so you’ll have to search for the above “by name” on the Documents tab of the planning application. Am I the only one who thinks this should be a lot more accessible for the general public?

    Crowdsourcing appeal: If anyone has found useful documents that specifically relate to the work proposed in Bradley Stoke, please leave a comment (with the name of the document) on this story.

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