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Multiple major roadworks likely to cause delays for next year in north Bristol

Almondsbury Roundabout on the A38 Gloucester Road.

Bradley Stoke commuters could face long delays during a multi-million pound programme of roadworks that is due to get under way this spring, South Gloucestershire Council has warned.

Over £8m is to be invested in a series of major road and cycle route improvements in the North Fringe areas of Filton, Patchway, Aztec West and Hambrook, with the work scheduled to start as early as April.

The package of eight major schemes will help to tackle traffic congestion and increase the capacity and quality of the local road network and sustainable travel options, such as cycle and pedestrian routes, ahead of the development of the planned Cribbs/Patchway New Neighbourhood.

As part of the work, key junctions on the A38 and A4174 will be widened and improvements will be made to the local road network at the M5 Junctions 16 and 17 with funding from the Government’s ‘Pinch Point’ road improvements programme.

Two cycle and pedestrian crossings on the A4174 – at Hambrook and the M32 Junction 1 – will also be substantially improved, to increase safety and help promote sustainable travel in the North Fringe area. This work is being funded from the Government’s Cycle Ambition Fund following a successful funding bid by the council last year.

The road bridge on Church Road in Frampton Cotterell will also be replaced between March and October 2014 as part of planned maintenance works. Diversions will be in place during this time.

Government support for the schemes requires that the works be completed by March 2015 and for this reason some projects will run simultaneously during the works period. However, the schemes have been scheduled to minimise travel disruption where possible and road users are being encouraged to plan ahead to avoid delays, including considering alternative routes or other modes of transport where possible.

Up-to-date information on the schemes including details of consultations on individual projects and links to travel planning advice are available on the council’s website at

One the first schemes likely to affect Bradley Stoke commuters is the proposed widening of a 120m stretch of Gipsy Patch Lane, on the westbound approach to the A38 Gloucester Road. The work, which will extend the length of the dedicated left-turn lane onto the southbound A38, is expected to start in April.

Public consultation on the proposed scheme for Gipsy Patch Lane runs until 9th March.

This article originally appeared in the March 2014 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal news magazine. Our magazine is delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to 9,250 homes in Bradley Stoke and Little Stoke. Phone 01454 300 400 to enquire about advertising or leaflet insertion.

Postscript: Another of the proposed schemes (mentioned briefly above) is a £1.25m project to widen the roundabout carriageway at Junction 16 of the M5 (Aztec West/Almondsbury) – as part of a joint programme of works with the Highways Agency “to improve traffic flow issues and provide additional capacity for the future”. ​This work is currently scheduled for May to October 2014.

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  1. How many new roads? How many traffic lights switched off?

    The Gipsy Patch Lane queues are entirely due to the traffic lights at the flyover. £0.9 million on a new lane won’t make any difference as long as there’s a red light preventing traffic flow.

    But hey, why let minor facts get in the way of wasting tax payers money.

  2. Whilst I am not happy to recommend any structural (vs lifestyle) changes to make traffic flow better, I have to agree that replacing the two rail bridges (Gypsy Patch and Hatchett Rd) would help a lot, as will the new ring road link.

    The main problem is the quality/quantity/cost of public transport. As a community we have to use public transport more at peak times.

  3. The biggest problem is the railway bridge on Gypsy Patch Lane.
    It’s narrow but wide enough for two cars / vans to pass, but inexperienced or nervous drivers quite often wait until they feel safe enough to pass it with no oncoming traffic. Naturally you have to wait for buses & lorries. This section causes the tail backs onto the A38 back to the start of the flyover every day.
    The widening of the road as proposed to start in April will make no difference whatsoever.
    Another location needing change is the two lanes approaching the roundabout on Gypsy Patch lane with the Winterbourne Road. Very long traffic queues every morning here whilst vehicles wait to turn left towards Parkway, mean traffic going ahead have to wait in the same lane, as the right lane is for right turns only at the roundabout, an extra going ahead arrow being painted or lane widening there is really needed.
    Don’t the Highways people do any research before deciding where to spend money needlessly?

  4. Bristol councillors are worried that the proposed North Fringe transport improvements won’t be enough to avoid gridlock when 5,700 homes are built on and around the former Filton Airfield site.

    Read more in the Bristol Post.

  5. The Councillors need to sort the roads out before anything else its their duty to everyone to make the roads better

  6. The solution has to be public transport.

    As the number of people living in this area increases, and the number of jobs in the area increases, the complex nature of traffic will increase, causing jams.

    Bristol, SGC and BNES must get together and start a 15-25 plan to implement a train, tram and bus solutions for a conurbation that has 1+M people.

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