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Out this weekend: March 2014 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine

March 2014 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine.

The March 2014 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine will be dropping on doormats this weekend.

The headline story concerns South Gloucestershire Council’s implementation of charges for garden waste collection from 31st March. Residents who wish to continue to have their green bin emptied from that date can subscribe now via the council’s website. The optional service costs £36 per year and includes fortnightly collections.

There’s also news about the start of work to bring superfast broadband to thousands of homes on 01454 telephone numbers in Bradley Stoke. Work has begun to install new fibre-enabled street cabinets at various locations across the town and it looks like the service will be available to some from 1st June. However, hundreds of homes connected via ‘exchange only’ lines will have to wait longer.

Car parking at Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre could get easier with the news that 20 new spaces are to be created during March.

Traffic congestion looks like it could get worse though, with South Gloucestershire Council warning that multiple major roadworks are planned for north Bristol over the next twelve months. According to the council, the work will “increase the capacity and quality of the road network” ahead of the planned construction of 12,000 new homes in the area over the next 13 years.

A war memorial for Bradley Stoke has been installed in the town square at the Willow Brook Centre by the local Scout group, but the Mayor says he’s disappointed that the Scouts didn’t consult the public about its location.

There are also updates from local organisations, including the Bradley Stoke in Bloom group, Bradley Stoke Radio, the Friends of Jubilee Green and the Three Brooks Nature Conservation Group.

More: Online resources relating to articles in this month’s magazine

For those who don’t live in Bradley Stoke, you’ll be able to pick up a copy of the town’s number one news magazine at Bradley Stoke Library (on Monday) or read it online (from Sunday evening).

Interested in advertising in Bradley Stoke’s only MONTHLY news magazine? Call our sales team on 01454 300 400 to find out how we can give your business MONTHLY exposure for less than you are paying in an annual or quarterly publication.

We’re pleased to welcome the following first-time advertisers to our magazine this month: Great Western Air Ambulance Charity, Woods Estate Agents, Carrie Vinson Equestrian, Clean Pros (carpet cleaning), Willow Brook Clinic, Janet Smith Soft Furnishings, Image Aerial Systems and Bradley Stoke Wise Owls Club.

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