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Out this weekend: February 2014 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine

February 2014 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine.

The February 2014 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine will be dropping on doormats this weekend.

This month’s 40-page issue includes news about three public consultations that have recently opened on matters that could have a significant impact on Bradley Stoke: The town council is asking for views on the future of the Brook Way Activity Centre site (you’ll know it if you have visited Bradley Stoke Surgery); Bradley Stoke Community School is consulting on its proposal to become an ‘all through’ school catering for the 4-19 age range; and South Gloucestershire Council is inviting views on its vision for the Cribbs/Patchway New Neighbourhood.

Car parking is also a popular theme this month, with news that the town council is considering painting double yellow lines on the access road into Bradley Stoke Surgery; residents of Brook Court have appealed to the town council for help in solving an acute shortage of off-street parking; and the landlord of the Hollow Tree public house has complained that he is losing trade because staff and visitors of other local businesses are using “his” car park.

There’s also an extended interview with Scott Lahive, manager of the Willow Book Centre, who is moving on to pastures new after six years in the job (he started there in March 2008, seven months before the centre opened!) plus a feature on a Bradley Stoke dad who is planning to run the Bath Half-Marathon to raise money for the Bristol Children’s Hospital.

Regular features include our lively letters page, another general knowledge quiz from Bradley Stoke Mastermind contestant Paul Philpot and a two-page guide to What’s On in Bradley Stoke during February.

More: Online resources relating to articles in this month’s magazine

For those who don’t live in Bradley Stoke, you’ll be able to pick up a copy of the town’s number one news magazine at Bradley Stoke Library (on Monday) or read it online (from Sunday evening).

Interested in advertising in Bradley Stoke’s only MONTHLY news magazine? Call our sales team on 01454 300 400 to find out how we can give your business MONTHLY exposure for less than you are paying in an annual or quarterly publication.

We’re pleased to welcome the following first-time advertisers to our magazine this month: Edwards Estate Agents, KJ Tuiton, The UK Wedding Shows (UWE Wedding Show on 8th/9th February), C&S Plumbing & Heating, Rhiactions Dance & Pilates, Infinity DC (streetdance), Abacus Pre-School (at Meadowbrook Primary School), LivingWell Health Club (Hilton Bristol, Bradley Stoke), Yummy Scrummy Catering and Karen Mobile Hairdressing.

Previous advertisers returning in February include: Fortyfour Creative, Costco, Classic Cleaning Services, Aspirations Financial Advice Ltd, Caerleon Child Care (Patchway), Jump (Patchway) and Broadcare Ltd.

This month’s magazine is being delivered to a record 9,250 homes in Bradley Stoke and Little Stoke.

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  1. I wasn’t aware that the Hollow Tree had it’s “own” carpark, I thought the carpark was for everyone visiting there to use not just Hollow Tree Customers, not sure if there is a time limit there either??

  2. @Cllr Douglas Daniels.
    Comments Page
    While I agree with you that the Post Office should open a branch within the Willow Brook Centre the privatisation of Royal Mail will make no difference to this as the Post Office and Royal Mail Letters were split in 2012. I belive the reason for splitting the two parts of the business was to protect the small loss making village post offices from being closed down and the local community losing valuable services by a privately owned company interested only in making a profit. The Post Office is still owned by the government while Royal Mail Letters (the posties collecting and delivering the mail) has been partly sold off.

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