The January 2014 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine will be dropping on doormats this weekend.
The lead story reports on South Gloucestershire Council’s adoption of a new long-term planning blueprint that will see more than 12,000 new homes built within three miles of Bradley Stoke over the next 13 years. The council’s officers say they are confident the local road network will be able to cope – provided there is a massive swing towards the use of public transport.
We also report on the chaotic and dangerous car parking situation at Bradley Stoke Surgery, which seems to have been exacerbated by the town council’s policy of reserving half the parking area for users of the adjoining community centre.
There’s also news of two local residents recently honoured as ‘sporting heroes’ by South Gloucestershire Council, including a young Bradley Stoke resident who was selected for British Cycling’s Olympic Development Programme barely a year after taking up cycling as a competitive sport.
The magazine’s centre spread features photos from the local primary schools’ Christmas productions and Becky Ward reports on the popular combined churches’ carol service held at the Willow Brook Centre.
Amongst contributions from local organisations, we have a report on the new wood carvings and sculptures at Jubilee Green Park and we hear how the nature conservation group has been tackling anti-social behaviour in the Three Brooks Local Nature Reserve.
In addition to numerous discount offers from our advertisers, local pet owners have the chance to win six months’ free food for their cat or dog in an exclusive FREE prize draw promoted by Husse.
More: Online resources relating to articles in this month’s magazine
For those who don’t live in Bradley Stoke, you’ll be able to pick up a copy of the town’s number one news magazine at Bradley Stoke Library (from Monday) or read it online (from Sunday evening).
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Before a massive swing to public transport is there going to be a massive improvement in public transport? The road network will not support another 12,000+ cars. Anyone with a brain can see that.
When are they going to make a change of mind and reintroduce the 73 bus service down the full length of Brookway again…is there a remote chance!!
Why? That’d mean the other side of BS underserved…. Maybe time for compromise. Straight down Bradley Stoke Way. It’s half way for everyone then.
Why would that bother those in charge? They will all be off with their gold plated civil service pensions by then. I love Bradley Stoke but my house is on the market and I’m getting out. I currently have to leave home at 645 to stand a vague chance of getting to the town centre for 800. Rapid Transit my ****! I would love to use the busses but the routes are awful and a journey takes forever and is not competitive enough to make me even vaguely consider. 12000 more houses on roads that can’t cope at present. Only way is to ban cars from certain routes and makes the busses £1 a journey.