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[Forum] ‘No cold calling’ zones: Let residents decide

A "no doorstep traders" sign from South Gloucestershire Council.

I live on Juniper Way and we are often harassed by cold caller of one type or another. I have a very blunt sign on my door (as do many of my neighbours) which spells out what we don’t want. So religions, chuggers utilities can’t argue that it doesn’t apply as they aren’t selling anything. It’s no good pretending you aren’t home when the JWs call for instance. They have lists and will keep coming back until you answer the door.

Now I hate this. The signs keep some of the pests away, but they make us look so unfriendly. Some similar streets in Bradley have been designated official no cold calling zones. We applied, but were rejected as it wasn’t a high crime street. Everyone hates being confronted at the door. Why can’t we as residents decide what’s right for us. I’ve met shift workers, people with babies, those with serious illnesses/disabilities etc. It’s not just a matter of saying “NO” at the door. It’s extremely disruptive. Anyone else feel this way?


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  1. As someone who lives alone, I would support this as it sometimes feels a little threatening to answer the door, especially in the winter months where it gets dark early.

  2. I’m also on Juniper Way. I’d love for it to be a no cold calling zone.

    Fed up having to make up excuses why I don’t want to change my power company, have solar panels, have my windows or facia fixed, or change my religion.

    I have a very clear sign outside my door by my doorbell which says I don’t buy or sell at the door. It is blatently ignored by the callers.

    Some areas in Bradley Stoke are no cold calling zones. I’d like to add my vote for this one to be too.

  3. I’m in the herbs as well and get fed up with the interruption. It used to be double glazing and JW, now it seems to be chuggers. If I want a service I will use a local supplier, if I want to give to charity I will choose who I want to give to and as for JW, I am not religious and I do not wanted to be dictated to!
    It’s intrusive and always an uncomfortable experience and I don’t want to feel like that in my own home.
    Why does an area have to be ‘high crime street’ to be a NO cold calling zone. Surely if enough residents come forward then it should be actioned.

  4. I live in Juniper Way and I am fed up with it. It’s always at an awkward time and is very intrusive. It leaves a bitter taste in the mouth especially when I am sending charities on there way but it’s my choice and I will decide what charities I will give to. I still class myself as a youngster and am fairly confident and able to deal with but I think of many who aren’t , particularly the old who I suspect is their real target. It’s so wrong and should be stopped !

  5. Also on Juniper. I had a good chat with Kirsty, the former PCSO, a while ago about this. She seemed to suggest the more people that ask for the zone then the more likely it is to happen.

    Even this morning I had one – Am working a late shift today so could have done without the door banging while I was trying to rest!

    Perhaps we should make another concerted effort over this? SH – any chance of highlighting this issue in the paper version of the Journal? Could be good exposure for the issue.

  6. Details about the no cold calling zone can be found here on southglos website. [PDF]

    People should note however that these zones are designed to stop criminals not those with a genuine reason to be cold calling so they won’t stop:

    or Politicians

    In my opinion they are therefore not worth the bother and the sign in the window is your best bet.

  7. I used to dive for cover when the door went until a member of my staff who had lived in London told me that there if someone is not expected don’t answer the door. Simples.

    I sit very close to a window and they can see me, still don’t answer door. Just waiting for some numpty to tap the window or pop their head through an open window when the weather is hot.

    If they catch you in the open being a renter/Roman Catholic/person who pays through salary to soak the tax man usually works.