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Discover Festival gets under way in Bradley Stoke

South Gloucestershire Discover Festival 2013.

The Discover Festival is back for its second year, with an exciting programme of over 200 events to help you discover something new in South Gloucestershire.

The festival runs from today (12th September) to 1st November. Activities include nature walks, heritage open days, advice sessions, concerts and crafts – there is something for everyone to enjoy.

The festival is organised by South Gloucestershire Council, local residents, community groups and businesses. Keep a look out for the brochure of events which is available in libraries, leisure centres and community venues across South Gloucestershire, and also online. Most events are free.

Visit for more information.

Discover Festival events in Bradley Stoke

Thursday 12th Sept 7.15pm – 9pm at Bradley Stoke Library
Cavemen and Polar Bears – How to stay happy
A presentation that takes a fun-run around the brain and explains how we can keep happy; stop worrying, avoid depression and learn how to control stress. Booking required, refreshments available.

Monday 16th Sept 10am – 1pm at Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre
Bradley Stoke Sports and Social Club
Join this lively club for a special session on bird box making. The club is for people with dementia and their carers to help members stay fit, have fun and make new friendships in a safe and friendly environment. First session free. Places may be funded for those who have been assessed as needing help in the community. Call on 0117 9610693 or email  for help or advice. Refreshments available.

Tuesday 17th Sept 7pm – 9pm at The Jubilee Centre
The joy of wildlife photography with Helen Mugridge
Join us for an illustrated talk by local photographer Helen Mugridge. Find out how she gets her amazing pictures and hear stories of her travels around the world. All profits donated to The West of England MS Therapy Centre (RCN 801155). For tickets, call 01454 201686 or email Refreshments available, cost £5, booking required.

Sunday 22nd Sept 3pm – 4pm at The Jubilee Centre
South Gloucestershire Chinese Association welcomes you to a free Tai Chi class for everyone!
Tai Chi is a popular exercise originated from Ancient China to keep you fit and release stress. Open classes run Sundays 3-4pm every fortnight. Booking required

Saturday 28th Sept 10.30am – 11.30 am at Bradley Stoke Library
Bradley Stoke Community Singers – Sing and talk
Come and enjoy some songs and learn about the choir, why members joined and how you can join too!

Saturday 28th Sept 10am – 4pm at Brook Way Activity Centre
Community radio station open weekend
Visit your local community radio station. Meet the presenters and back room boffins. Visitors can record their own broadcast, take a copy home as a souvenir and find out how the station works. The workspace is unsuitable for wheelchairs and buggies.

Saturday 28th Sept 2pm – 4pm from Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre
Patchway & Bradley Stoke heritage walk
Join Dr Martin Davis, local author and Chairman of Southern Brooks Archaeology, to see sites of former farms and other historical features. Follow the plaques and discover the history.

Sunday 29th Sept 10am – 4pm at Brook Way Activity Centre
Community radio station open weekend
Details as above (Saturday 28th)

Monday 30th Sept 7pm-8.45pm at Bradley Stoke Library
North Korea: More than meets the eye
A unique opportunity to hear a first hand account from a regular visitor to North Korea of life in this fascinating and intriguing country. Refreshments available Booking required, not suitable for under 16’s.

This article originally appeared in the September edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine, delivered FREE, EVERY MONTH, to all homes in Bradley Stoke.

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