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Out this weekend: September 2013 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine

September 2013 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine.

The September 2013 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine will be dropping on doormats this weekend.

This issue features the Bradley Stoke Carnival that took place over the August Bank Holiday weekend. We have a two page report with contributions from Mayor Brian Hopkinson and our regular columnist Becky Ward plus lots of photos from the carnival parade and supporting events.

We also report on the success of local students, from Bradley Stoke Community School and elsewhere, in their GCSE and A-level examinations.

There’s also news about a possible upcoming town council by-election in the Lakeside parish ward, caused by the resignation of former Mayor Charlotte Walker.

You can also read about the latest developments at Jubilee Green park, Bradley Stoke in Bloom’s Best Front Garden competition winner, good news about the future of the town’s skate park and much more.

The What’s On pages list all the local events being staged as part of the 2013 Discover Festival, aimed at helping you find something new to do in South Gloucestershire.

Once again, our letters page has attracted some lively contributions, with concerns over road safety proving a popular theme this month.

More: Online resources relating to articles in this month’s magazine

If you fancy winning a £50 Tesco voucher (kindly donated by the Willow Brook Centre), why not have ago at our third Bradley Stoke road name wordsearch puzzle?

For those who don’t live in Bradley Stoke, you’ll be able to pick up a copy of the town’s number one news magazine at Bradley Stoke Library (from Monday) or read it online (from Sunday evening).

Interested in advertising in Bradley Stoke’s only MONTHLY news magazine? Call our sales team on 01454 300 400 to find out how we can give your business MONTHLY exposure for less than you are paying in an annual or quarterly publication.

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One comment

  1. It was with pleasure that I received the Bradley Stoke Journal through my door yesterday. I was looking forward to seeing what’s on in the area and this is a good paper to find out.

    However, it has disappointed me to find out one of the groups “Sew and So’s” will only meet every third Monday between the hours of 1.30pm and 3.30pm – I’m beginning to start quilting/patchwork and would welcome the opportunity to join a group of like minded individuals but I find out these groups only meet during the working day – I work full time Monday to Friday and afternoon meetings are not suitable or convenient.

    It would be appreciated if the organisers of this group and other groups that meet in the daytime would consider running another group in the evenings to enable people like myself who work full time to attend.


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