Bradley Stoke’s three day Bank Holiday Carnival gets under way today with a funfair on Jubilee Green in Savages Wood Road (BS32 8HL).
The fair opens at 1pm and runs through until 9pm. It is open for the same hours tomorrow (Sunday 25th) and again, from the earlier time of 11am, on Bank Holiday Monday.
Up to ten hot air balloons are scheduled to take off from the upper football field at the Jubilee Centre at 6am amd 6pm on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, subject to weather conditions (please check the Bradley Stoke Radio Facebook page for the latest info).
The final carnival preparation workshop takes place at the Jubilee Centre on Sunday. The workshop is accessible for all ages and open to all Bradley Stoke residents and community groups. Those attending the session, which runs from 11am to 5pm on a drop-in basis, will be able to learn samba and make masks, head dresses etc. to wear in the parade.
The carnival parade itself will start from the Jubilee Centre at 1pm on Monday 26th August, wending its way through nearby streets before returning to the centre for a Brazilian party. Visitors will also be able to enjoy a classic car show, at which around 30 vehicles are expected.
Those wishing to take part in the carnival parade are asked to be there from 11.30am on Monday to attend a briefing.
The carnival weekend is the brainchild of the town’s new Mayor, Cllr Brian Hopkinson, and is being “facilitated” by Bradley Stoke Radio with the help of a £4,000 grant from Bradley Stoke Town Council.
For the latest carnival information, visit the Bradley Stoke Radio Facebook page.
Carnival parade route (subject to change): Greenway pathway from Jubilee Green entering Merryweather and running between Merryweather and Stoke Meadows, coming out on Brook Way Green Way, turning left, heading North, passing heads of cul de sacs, turning left onto Saxon Way to end of culde- sac, then entering green way between the rear gardens of Saxon Way and Bourton Avenue, this comes out in Winsbury Way, turning left via Green Way into Courtlands and out onto Brook Way’s Green Way. to crossing Brook Way to enter Dewfalls, through the green way into (the street called the) Hedgerows, then to Brook Way, crossing Brook Way, entering Merryweather walking through and coming out on Jubilee Green then travelling South on Brook Way, turning into Kemperleye Way, turning left into Jordan Walk, through the greenest into and through Mautravers Close, coming back onto Kemperleye, exiting to cross Brook Way then into Hawkins Crescent, through Hawkins, back to Brook Way,crossing to Jubilee and Partay at the Jubilee Green.
UPDATE: A detailed running order for Monday’s event can be seen in the comments below.
Photo: Preparations at the carnival workshop on 18th August.
Related link: What’s On in Bradley Stoke (The Journal)
Don’t want to be a killjoy, but as a resident living very close to the Jubilee Green we normally get notification of these events and info on the closure of Savages Wood Road etc to my knowledge we did not get one with this event??? I really hope we are not going to have any problems with people parking along Savages Wood Road and in the neighbouring roads? Cheers
Don’t think there will be any problem with parking – don’t think anybody knows about it!
Saturday’s 6pm balloon ascent will not be going ahead due to unsuitable weather conditions.
And I thought I had missed the balloon ascent because I had only just found out about the carnival
Dave….you’re right! Shame really but good for us local residents as there is noone monitoring parking etc, don’t want to be a moany old git but looks like it won’t be a problem as it was quiet up there. Shame though that the new seats at the playground got set on fire this evening though!:(
Well not not much on here about the carnival… did it take place?
Bradley Stoke Carnival Monday 26th August 2013 – Running Order
6am Tethered Ballon or possible launch in top football field (subject to appropriate
weather conditions)
11am Fun Fair opens.
11:30am Carnival Participants briefing.
12pm Parade Starts to assemble
1pm classic, kit and track cars arrive for a static display on the jubilee field.
1pm Bradley Stoke Mayor, Brian Hopkinson on stage to start the carnival procession off with a bang!
Parade leaves the Jubilee Centre and processes to the north and south of the Jubilee Centre (for actual route see article above)
2:30pm approx parade returns to the Jubilee Green.
3pm The Town Mayor presents the prize and trophy to the winner of the first ever Bradley Stoke in Bloom, best front garden award.
3:30pm approx Carnival Dancers on stage accompanied by the Samba Band.
4pm live Acoustic music from accomplished local singer Abi Jones.
5pm Music from Bradley Stoke Radio, plus the infamous reverse music quiz.
A chance to win a limited edition BSR tea mug!
6pm Balloon launch or tethering (subject to weather conditions)
9pm Fun Fair closes.
Photos from yesterday’s carnival parade, courtesy of Journal reader Owen G Richards:
See our Facebook page for a few more photos.
More photos (and a video) to follow soon from The Journal.
A full photo report will appear in the September edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine, out 7th September.
Well although there seems to be plenty of people that did not know about the carnival it did seem to go off well. But as the Mayor is so keen on Brazil its a shame he does not take a one way ticket and put some of us out of our misery and heartache.
Bradley Stoke Carnival Parade 2013 – The Video. Showing the whole of the parade as it passes down Saxon Way.
Just watched the video, the Mayor needs to brush up on his dancing!!!! Still it gave me a laugh.
We have just watched the video of the Carnival (Burlesque in Bradley Stoke event) and felt compelled to make a comment on the lack of material in the female adults costumes!! We feel it was unnecessary to show that much flesh.
The lack of crowds says it all, thank goodness we weren’t there to see the real thing.
We feel that it was totally inappropriate.
Glad that cost £4k , perhaps £5k thrown at it may have covered up bodies, lolz
Unfortunatley the small crowd in the procession looked bewildered and slightly lost. As for the lack of attire that’s the ‘Brazilian’ way, but I am sure along with the Mayor many of the men who attended thoroughly enjoyed it.
I feel this was a waste of time and money! Kelly, Im not glad it only cost £4000 as thats our our money! Im sure there are more worthy groups in the Bradley Stoke that could have done with this rather than spashing out on scantily clad women to walk around the streets. Now Im not a prude but really what was the point of this? The only person who wanted it was the Mayor….why… cause he visted Brazil and thought it was a good idea. Nah! keep to the Bradley Stoke festival, that IS good and worth it… and dont get me started on the parking!!
Well said Chris, totally agree!
Chris, my sarcasm got lost in my earlier post. I totally agree with you, what a complete waste of money this exercise was.
I would far rather the £4 k had been spent on local youth to get something decent for teenagers in the area. Or, local pregnant mums to be who got turfed out of the activity centre clinic due to lack of funds, or the local Golden Oldies singing group that has to close due to lack of council funding. I could go on and on but only wind myself up.
Awww come on it was just a bit of fun, nothing worse than what you would see on the beach in summer…..certainly made my hubby’s day though when he drive past even though he wouldn’t admit it! I do have to agree the money could have been spent on something more worthwhile to the community, it did seem a bit flat but maybe because not many people seem to be aware it was even happening, Savages Wood Road was a bit of a pain on Monday but apart from that as far as I’m aware there weren’t many problems….maybe though if it have been better advertised it would have been worse?
I’m glad I’m not the only one who thought they could have covered up a bit more. What I did not like was when a man had a couple of the young ladies draped over one of the classic cars taking a photo.
Does it not seem a bit daft to a Brazilian style carnival in a Gloucestershire town?
I wonder what cheese rolling down Sugarloaf mountain would be like, and would the mayor like to go first please.
Cheap, tacky, nasty waste of money by boneheaded morons.
Well done BSTC, the only people who are stupider than you are the people that actualy went out on the street to support this.
What an absolutely fantastic event to be part of. Initially I was upset to be missing Notting hill carnival but Bradley stoke you were great. I enjoyed every second and feel honoured to have danced with Bradleystokes incredible kids. there’s no dis in your ability that’s for sure. lots ofwomen experience a sense of insecurity when faced with something as challenging as a beautiful woman in Samba costume I understand that, but what we all wore were smiles. I wish the same for those who have been so distressed by our happiness! Bom carnival!
Hi Mitzy….. As a woman I certainly don’t feel sense a insecurity by seeing a scantily dressed woman and I’m not naive or stupid enough to think that my hubby wouldn’t enjoy it to…..pleased that you enjoyed the Bradley Stoke Carnival and hope it made up for missing Notting Hill.
I should also mention that it was me that booked the samba dancers and the flaming feather not Mr Mayor. I have organised children’s carnivals for over ten years and we have always included a section of ‘bikini’ dancers as a nod to the origins of Brazilian and Caribbean carnival. MTV and top of the pops show women wearing less clothes and dancing much more protectively than those whom performed at Bradley Stoke and I think that if people feel the need to object to dancers whom can portray a positive image of the female form through their confidence and joy in their bodies, then really they should be focusing their attention upon the socio-politcal context within which it happened. Not air brushed, not all a size 8, real women dancing joyously down the street. I know which role model I would prefer my daughter to follow!
Bradley stoke carnival was a brilliant event. My husband and i loved taking part in the worshops and the carnival day itself. We had a great day. It was organised brilliantly by all the workers. They worked really hard to make sure it was smoothly run event. Well done alll involved.
Carnival comes from Brazil. The samba music and dancers come from Brazil. All carnivals have a samba section. If you don’t believe me then have a look on Youtube. The children I spoke to all had a great time being part of it. What a great way to spend a bank holiday Monday. Much better than being bored and doing nothing. I’ve worked with Mitzy for over 10 years. She is a veteran carnival performer and organiser. She knows what she was doing. Next year if there is another carnival. You should all come down to the workshops and meet the people involved in putting this community event together.
I would like to thank the organisers of the carnival & in particular those who facilitated & helped at the workshops prior to the event & on the day. Both of our children took part in the workshops & the parade. We all enjoyed the experience and appreciated the time & effort that was involved. With regards to people not knowing it was on – As parent of 2 kids at a local primary school both of ours had leaflets sent back prior to the end of term, it was mentioned on the school website, there were leaflets in the local library as well as various web based promotional activities. Well done all who enjoyed it for the spirit & fun of the event rather than choosing to watch a video clip laughing at those who got involved. The lift off of the 3 hot air balloons was a great finish to an already fun family day…. just goes to show what we all already know you can’t please all of the people all of the time.
In my opinion events organised and paid for by the local council should give something back to the community and give value to Bradley Stoke, I fail to see how a Brazilian Carnival achieved this? From the video it was just a small parade of less than 50 people who looked like they were having a good time, but does that really represent the 20k+ who live here? instead of wasting money on such activities the council should be looking at investing this into existing community projects to benefit the whole community, especially the majority demographic of young people.
Hi Family of Four…..oh I see was the Carnival just for families then and not for the wider community also? I do have children but they have left school, the first I knew about the event was from the BSJ and a leaflet shoved through my door a few days before…..fact! I really don’t think anyone is laughing but merely expressing an opinion about the event. The festival in June is really well advertised and caters for most people.
Dear Matt K we ran workshops in many of Bradley Stokes schools, and worked with over 400 students whom all made costumes during their school day. There were 110 people in the parade itself. Incredible kids, a mum led community group whom care for disabled children in Bradley Stoke took part. We also put on a specialist Dance movement Therapy session for them that they wouldn’t ordinarily been able to access. New community projects grow and evolve. Remaining stagnant and not moving a community activities is one way forward, but not the way that we work. We worked with existing groups, schools and were joined by many Bradley Stoke families. I would believe that this constitutes a success. The performance itself is part of the process but certainly not the whole deal.
We attended as a family and all had a great time.
For those unaware that it was happening, the event has been discussed/promoted at various Town Council meetings; on this website and that of ‘Bradley Stoke Matters’. Both BSJ and BSM do a great job of promoting local events such as this, and the community groups that contributed to it.
My 4 year old went to one of the workshops and had a great time learning to make head-dresses. She later participated in the carnival, enjoying the music and the spectacle of it.
Hopefully this will become an annual event – well done to the Town Council and the Mayor for organising it and to all of those that contributed.
I run a community group and charity in Bradley Stoke called Incredible Kids for children with additional needs and disabilities. We took part in the carnival and had a wonderful time. The children loved helping to make masks, having their faces painted and taking part in the actual carnival was such a fantastic experience. The smiles on the children’s faces was priceless.
It was great to walk down streets I had never been down and meet people from those houses. I think the Mayor did a fantastic job. Its a shame more of the local schools didn’t take him up on his offer to be involved in making costumes but they can’t say they weren’t invited.
Next year i’m sure the carnival will be an even bigger event. I for one cannot wait.
Well I enjoyed the day. Lack of advertising seems to be one of the main complaints. Not sure how people would like to recieve their adverts? It was in the Journal, Bradley Stoke Matters (both publications delivered to every house in the area), the library, every school child in Bradley Stoke had a letter and the local community radio station had adverts on nearly every hour plus features about the workshops and interviews with the organisors. The council website was plugging the event. perhaps individual invitations are the way forward!
The carnival was a good day but the fair rides and stalls a complete rip off the tea cups for little kids was charging 2 per person for a very short ride. Parents money was been drained by having this fair either don’t have them next time use the local school games when they put of events on or make the fair people only charge1 pound per ride.
Me, my boys, nephew and sister thoroughly enjoyed the carnival. We walked along with the procession enjoying the vibes of the Brazillian music. Was great to dress up and join in with the fun!!! From the time we arrived (11.30) until the time we left (7.30) we all had a great time. The kids very much enjoyed the fun fair too! The hot air balloons ended the day perfectly! Fabulous sight to see in Bradley Stoke! Very enjoyable weekend and we are looking forward to the next one!!! It’s great to have so much fun and not have to travel anywhere!
As a resident who lives opposite the Jubilee Green I was really annoyed that the organisers seemed to think that 9pm was a suitable time to end an event in a residential area. I would also like to know who they thought would be getting up at 6am to watch the hot air balloons apart from the local residents who were woken up by the noise from the balloon teams? The evening ascent was at a much more sensible time and was great to watch.
While I have no complaints about the carnival on the Monday, I fail to see how this was supposed to build a community spirit and am appalled that £4K was supplied by the council to be wasted on such a frivolous event when there are much more worthy causes to be supported in Bradley Stoke. We already have the Community festival and Fireworks night, both of which are fantastic, and I personally do not see the need for another festival in the calendar year. I also do not think in the current economic climate that we should be encouraging already struggling families to waste money on carnival rides – and as a parent it is incredibly difficult to say no to your children once they have seen them!
I would be very disappointed to see this become an annual event and hope that the council will find a better use for their £4K next year.