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Out this weekend: August 2013 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine

August 2013 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine.

The August 2013 edition of the Bradley Stoke Journal magazine will be dropping on doormats this weekend.

This issue contains an update on the ‘death at the duck pond‘ incident of 2nd July, including a couple of new statements from the local police.

There’s also an update on the Scout’s plans for a Bradley Stoke war memorial, which received a lukewarm reception from town councillors at a meeting earlier this month – and an objection from the local town twinning association, which isn’t keen on “its” structure at the Willow Brook Centre being used for the purpose.

The centre pages of the magazine are devoted to the Bradley Stoke Gromit sculpture at Dunkley’s in Woodlands Lane, with some great photos submitted by fans of the Bradley Stoke Journal Facebook page. And don’t miss the inspiring story of Jessica Abrahams, the two-year-old from Bradley Stoke, who is  aiming to visit all 80 Gromit Unleashed sculptures around Bristol (and beyond), despite undergoing chemotherapy treatment.

Turn to page 28 to read all about the Bradley Stoke Brazilian Carnival Parade, which takes place on Bank Holiday Monday (26th August), starting at 1pm from the Jubilee Centre. Find out about the carnival workshops being held on 11th , 8th and 25th August, where you can design and build a costume for the parade.

A new feature this month is an ‘Around the Schools‘ column written by Judith Summers, who hosts the Schools Show on Bradley Stoke Radio.

Other highlights include Prom photos from Bradley Stoke Community School, confirmation that a new primary school is to be built in the town, news about the ‘youth structure‘ being built at the park on Jubilee Green and an update from the Bradley Stoke in Bloom team.

Look out too for the ‘FREE starter’ offer at the Willow Brook Harvester (page 11), valid from 3rd August t0 7th September (terms & conditions apply).

For those who don’t live in Bradley Stoke, you’ll be able to pick up a copy of the town’s number one news magazine at Bradley Stoke Library (from Monday) or read it online (from Sunday evening).

Interested in advertising in Bradley Stoke’s only MONTHLY news magazine? Call our sales team on 01454 300 400 to find out how we can give your business MONTHLY exposure for less than you are paying in an annual or quarterly publication.

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