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Bradley Stoke in Bloom needs YOU this Saturday!

Bradley Stoke in Bloom (BSiB) volunteers prepare for their first workday.

The Bradley Stoke In Bloom (BSiB) group is gearing up for its first project this coming Saturday (20th July) when the volunteers are planning to neaten up the public pathway that runs from Dewfalls Drive, through Wheatfield Drive and down to the edge of The Common East.

Everyone is welcome to meet us at the Dewfalls Drive end of the path (postcode BS32 9BW) at 9.30am. If you could email us beforehand, it would help us with numbers for refreshments! We have some gloves and hand tools but it would be helpful if this time you could bring your own, if you have them.

Trophy for the Best Front Garden in Bradley Stoke competition.

There is still time to nominate your own or your friend’s or neighbour’s front garden for the ‘Best Front Garden in Bradley Stoke 2013’ as, because of the number of entries, the judging has been put back to August.

To nominate a garden, simply email with the address and owner’s name and contact number/email (with their permission). Amongst other prizes, the winner will get to keep the Winner’s Plaque (see right) for a year!

BSiB is a new community group set up to make the town a nicer and greener place, and we are looking for new members and new ideas! What would you like to see done in our town? New borders? A remembrance garden? Planted roundabouts? Community composting and herb gardens?

Trophy for the Bradley Stoke in Bloom Sunflower Growing Competition 2013.

Contact us at with your ideas, as we need all the help we can get! And we need a logo, if there are any budding designers in Bradley Stoke, we would welcome your suggestions too.

Source: Press release from Bradley Stoke in Bloom

Will you be entering the BSiB Sunflower Competition? How are yours doing in the glorious weather we’re having? Why not post a photo on the Bradley Stoke Journal Facebook page?

A further BSiB workday is scheduled to take place in August,  when the group will be tidying up the flower beds near the seating area on Brook Way (by the Doctors’ surgery, opposite the junction for Brackendene).

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