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Tesco returns with second planning application for ‘Click & Collect’ unit

Proposed 'Click & Collect' pod at Tesco Extra, Bradley Stoke.

Supermarket giant Tesco has submitted a second planning application for a ‘Click & Collect’ unit in the car park of Bradley Stoke’s Willow Brook shopping centre, six weeks after withdrawing a previous application that was criticised by the town council for being “against the spirit of the original planning permission for the site”.

The ‘Click & Collect’ service allows customers to order and pay for their shopping online and then collect it within a chosen timeslot from the customer collection unit at a local store.

The new location for the unit remains on the northern boundary of the Willow Brook car park, behind houses in Dewfalls Drive, but a few tens of metres east of the originally proposed location, making it slightly more distant from the nearest residential properties.

Bradley Stoke Town Council’s Planning Committee is likely to consider the new application at its meeting on 24th July.

So far, one local resident (living in Dewfalls Drive) has lodged an objection, writing:

“NO NO NO NO. How many time must Tesco be told to stay away from the residential housing, as was set up and agreed in the original planning agreement, for the re-development of the whole site? Use the area along side Bradley Stoke Way!”

According to the planning application, the unit would be able to serve 24 customers over a two hour period, meaning that a maximum of 936 customers would be able to collect their shopping each week, given the proposed opening hours of 8am to 8pm Monday to Friday, 8am to 6pm on Saturday and 10am to 4pm on Sunday.

A total of 13 parking spaces would be lost through construction of the unit, but the applicant points out that up to 936 fewer shoppers would need to leave their cars in the Willow Brook Centre car park each week.

A final decision on the application will be made by South Gloucestershire Council’s Development Control (West) Committee after the consultation period ends on Monday 29th July.

Related link: Tesco ‘Click & Collect’ service

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  1. I am all for it, would make my ‘shopping’ life a lot easier. But with the size of the car park it could be moved away from the residential section.

    What about the area between the car wash and the entrance for the bus/Giant cycle store.

  2. Seems a bit odd that when they have to pick the items from the shop, they propose to have the pick-up point at the furthest point away from the store.
    Obviously not done a time and motion study. Have just read the Design and access statement which is incorrect. The exisiting store did not open in 2002, that was the old one.
    So now instead of 936 cars parking there, you will have 936 cars rushing in an out, as well as all the extra journeys via the delivery vans from the store across the car-park.
    I am all for speeding up shopping, but maybe they should look at the way Fast-food restuarants do it.
    The most logical places would surely be either down the bottom left hand corner of the car-park, near where the buses come in or on the end of the other retail unit up by the recycling.

  3. The proposed new location is not behind properties in dewfalls drive it’s behind 213 & 215 wheatfield drive so their noise pollution report is incorrect! I doubt those properties have been directly consulted with & as our house is close by i will also be putting an objection in! They have a massive car park & they choose yet again to develop the area near residential houses! I think nearer the store is more appropriate as we don’t want the constant humming of a refrigeration & electricity generator running 24/7!

  4. @Confused – I’m sure if it was right behind your house you wouldn’t be too happy either! Tescos do have other areas on their land that they can use which won’t upset anyone they just choose to set it right next to houses!

  5. Personally I can’t see the point in having a click & collect. Im sorry but if you can order online, then you can have it delivered, or else just go to the shop – simples! – then nobody need get upset as to where its going to be located.

  6. Dear Mrs Cat Lady

    For those of us who live in BS and work 9-5 in Bristol then click and collect would be a good idea. Order your shopping during the day from the office and then pick it up on the way home without having to pay a premium charge for an evening delivery. This also means that we don’t have to deal with shopping in the store at its busiest times.

    Not exactly rocket science.

  7. BSTC Planning Committee minutes from 24th July: “Bradley Stoke Town Council objects to this planning application on grounds that the proposed site is too close to existing houses and is against the spirit of the original planning permission for the site which was to ensure that retail units did not impact on surrounding houses.”

    Officers at South Gloucestershire Council have, however, recommended that the planning application be approved.

    Circulated Schedule report: (Item 13)

    SGC Councillors, including those representing Bradley Stoke, now have the opportunity to “call in” the officers’ decision by the deadline of 22nd August.

  8. South Gloucestershire Council yesterday GRANTED permission for the Click & Collect pod at the Willow Brook Centre, indicating that no SGC councillors “called in” the officers’ decision of 16th August.

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