Bristol Zoo's Wow! Gorilla No. 62 at Dunkley's, Bradley Stoke

Wow! Gorilla finds a home in Bradley Stoke

Bristol Zoo’s last Wow! Gorilla (No. 62) has found its home at Dunkley’s Chartered Accountants in Bradley Stoke. No. 62 was the last unpainted full-sized Wow! Gorilla from Bristol Zoo’s Wow! Gorillas Campaign last year that raised well over £400,000 for vital gorilla conservation work and for the local Bristol charity Wallace and Gromit’s Grand Appeal. The gorilla sculpture was

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Broadband - photo by charmcitygavin (licence: cc-attr).

£3m investment brings no guarantee of 21st century broadband for Bradley Stoke

The planned investment of nearly £3m of taxpayers’ money into broadband infrastructure within South Gloucestershire might still leave Bradley Stoke without superfast broadband in 2015, according to a report accepted by Councillors at a Cabinet meeting on Monday. South Gloucestershire Council’s Cabinet has agreed to add £2.2m of its own money to the £710k allocated by the Government’s Broadband Delivery

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‘Snowball’ the gritter on standby this weekend

‘Snowball’ the gritting vehicle is on standby this weekend after weather forecasts showed an increased likelihood of snow through Saturday night and Sunday morning. The vehicle, one of eleven new gritting vehicles recently purchased by South Gloucestershire Council, was given its name by pupils at Baileys Court Primary School following a district-wide ‘name your gritter’ competition. The competition was staged

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Saxon Way, Bradley Stoke, Bristol

Prowler: Man charged with indecent exposure and burglary

A 30-year-old man from the Oaktree Crescent area of Bradley Stoke has appeared before Northavon Magistrates charged with indecent exposure and burglary in connection with offences in Mautravers Close and Courtlands on Friday 20th January 2012. He was released on court bail to live at an address outside of South Gloucestershire with conditions including an 18-hour curfew between 6pm and

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