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BBC One Show Rickshaw cheered on by Wheatfield Primary pupils

Pupils from Wheatfield Primary School cheer the rickshaw along Bradley Stoke Way.

Pupils at Bradley Stoke’s Wheatfield Primary School took a break from lessons yesterday afternoon to cheer the BBC One Show’s rickshaw as it passed through the town.

The 2012 Rickshaw Challenge is raising vital funds for disadvantaged children and young people across the UK on an arduous 411-mile journey from Llandudno to London, and is due to arrive at BBC’s Television Centre for The One Show’s BBC Children in Need special on Friday (16th November).

Yesterday’s 55-mile stretch, from Cardiff to Bath, saw the rickshaw visit Chepstow before passing into England over the Old Severn Bridge. After passing through Almondsbury, where it was cheered on by children from the local primary school, the rickshaw arrived at the north end of Bradley Stoke Way shortly before 3pm.

Pupils from Wheatfield Primary School had assembled near Primrose Bridge to give the rickshaw and its entourage a tremendous welcome. Waving flags and posters they gave the convoy a tremendous cheer and the rickshaw and its two accompanying cyclists slowed down to acknowledge the reception.

As the Children in Need support vehicle whisked through a few seconds later, the children broke into a chant of “Pudsey, Pudsey …” before being reluctantly ushered back to their classrooms.

The rickshaw eventually made it to Bath in time for a live broadcast on the BBC’s One Show at 7pm and the switch-on of the city’s Christmas lights.

More Photos on Google Photos and Facebook.

Related link: You can give £5 to BBC Children in Need’s Rickshaw Challenge via the Text To Donate service.

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