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[Forum] Overgrown bushes causing problems for walkers?

Having done a lot of walking around Bradley Stoke recently, I wondered if anybody is finding the overgrown bushes and plants that seem to take over most of the pavement as annoying as me?

My daughter rides on her bike quite a lot and has to go near the kerbside a lot of the time. Some of them are prickly bushes and would cause injury if you got too close.

Caroline Jones

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  1. Sure have Caroline…I reported it to South Gloucestershire Council as my children quite often get ‘caught’ by the thorn bushes. I was told it would take 10 days to clear the areas I reported. Quick as a flash, nothing has happened though…

  2. Caroline – report anything like this to South Gloucestershire Council’s streetcare helpdesk on 01454 868000 or drop them an email at

    If its not reported then they can’t do anything about it. If it is then at least you can track your complaint and ensure its gets sorted.

    I know people may not like the idea but why not take a pair of secatures out with you and clip back any stray brambles you come across and leave the offending stem in the bush to rot down.

    Its been an unusual season this year with the wet summer – everything has grown really wild so what you have experienced, unfortunately is not uncommon.

  3. Yes, I’ve notived exactly the same when out riding bikes and walking with the children over the last 7 months and nothing has been done. Most footpaths near to my house off Baileys Court Road seem to have no maintenance at all. There are alot of overgrown weeds,plants and well established thorn bushes that were planted by the housebuilders or the council years ago which are not clipped or maintained causing poor visibility and injury. In some cases we’re having to walk on the road to avoid it!! I will email them again to see if anything changes.

  4. There is a particular branch of a tree/shrub that sticks out at head height in the Bluebells. I am tempted to take some old rags and tie them round it – on a dark evening its not at all obvious when you are walking along the pavement.