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Bradley Stoke Way closed after accident on new crossing

Police officers investigate the scene of an accident on Bradley Stoke Way.

The northbound carriageway of Bradley Stoke Way was closed this morning following an accident in the vicinity of a pedestrian crossing near the Willow Brook Centre.

The incident is said to have involved a cyclist and a car. Initial reports suggest that there were no serious injuries.

A police road block was in force at the Savages Wood Road Roundabout, preventing traffic from using the northbound exit onto Bradley Stoke Way.

The pedestrian crossing, which was installed only last month, was taped off while police officers investigated the scene.

Police were preparing to re-open the road when the above photo was taken at 10:10am.

UPDATE (12 noon): A Police spokesperson told The Journal:

“Police were called to Bradley Stoke Way just before 8:30am today, Monday 15th October, by the ambulance service.”

“A cyclist had come off his bike and been injured. The man was taken to Frenchay hospital with suspected head and chest injuries, which were not believed life-threatening. The road was reopened at 10:10am.”

Road closure on Bradley Stoke Way, following an accident.

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  1. Awaiting cause of accident

    However, it is very evident that the road surface in the area is not up to standard (very gritty) and I’ve avoided riding my motorbike on that stretch of road for this reason.

  2. Really glad no one was seriously injured. Just a shame all that work and time and effort seems to have been for nought. Essentially it just comes down to road sense and education

  3. Isn’t it a shame that the police seem to be out in numbers for this minor incident judging by the photo yet have all but abandoned walking the beat in BS

  4. Well not out in quite so much force when a lady was mugged for her bag at top of Wheatfield drive this afternoon

  5. agree with anon-e-mouse’ comment especially since there have been two muggings recently, invovling a hooded and masked low life with a knife. I don’t understand why this hasn’t made the main news on the Bradley Stoke Journal.

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