BSCS headteacher “pleased” with first-ever set of A-level results

Star A-level performers at Bradley Stoke Community School, Bristol.

The headteacher of Bradley Stoke Community School says he is pleased with the school’s first-ever set of A-level results announced today.

Dave Baker, Executive Headteacher, was at the school’s Post Sixteen Centre at 9am this morning to welcome students arriving to collect their results envelopes.

A total of 103 candidates were entered for 197 exams and 15% of the entries were awarded grade A* or A, with 29% in the range A* to B and 56% A* to C.

Mr Baker, who is also the headteacher at Abbeywood Community School in Stoke Gifford, commented:

“As things stand, most students who needed grades to go onto higher education or training have what they need. We are pleased with the overall outcomes and obviously delighted for the individuals who have matched or exceeded expectations and are now celebrating – there were a lot of happy faces in both schools this morning.”

He added that BSCS’s results were “as expected”, while those at Abbeywood (currently operating under ‘special measures’ following a poor Ofsted inspection) were “even better than last year”.

At BSCS there are said to have been a few “glitches” with a couple of exam boards, which the school is “waiting for them [the boards] to resolve”.

Star performers amongst the Bradley Stoke A-level students included Ed Franklin, Jessica Monks, Christopher Grain, Rahmeh Al Adwan and Jennifer Wong (pictured left to right, above).

Ed Franklin achieved A*s in English Literature and History and an A in Psychology and will be going on to study at Warwick University.

Jessica Monks got A*s in Chemistry and Maths, an A in Physics and an A/S-level in Biology. She would like to study medicine but sadly wasn’t offered a place, so will now take a gap year and apply again for next year.

Christopher Grain gained an A* in Sociology and As in History and Fine Art. He has a place to study History at Nottingham University.

Rahmeh Al Adwan achieved an A* in Maths plus As in Biology, Chemistry and Arabic.  She will be studying medicine at Liverpool University.

Jennifer Wong gained As in Chemistry, Biology and Fine Art plus a B in Maths. She also won an A grade for her Extended Project. She goes up to University College London, where she will be studying Biochemistry.

The Post Sixteen Centre at BSCS opened in September 2010 and can accommodate up to 180 students. A-level and BTEC courses are arranged in cooperation with Patchway Community College, Abbeywood Community School (formerly Filton High School) and South Gloucestershire and Stroud College (formerly Filton College). Coaches are laid on to transport students between the four sites.

Results of the GCSE examinations taken by Year 11 students are due to be released next Thursday (23rd August).

BSCS A-level students open their envelopes and compare results.

Photo: BSCS A-level students open their envelopes and compare results.

More photos on PicasaWeb.

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  1. Well done to the “star performers”, but …

    At BSCS “15% of the entries were awarded grade A* or A”

    BBC News: “This summer’s results show 26.6% of A-level entries achieved the top two grades – down from 27% last year.”

    Am I missing something or should Mr Baker be “concerned” rather than “pleased”?

  2. With all due respect, Simon, the data provided by BSCS so far in no way supports the suggestion that ‘it is one of the worst A Level schools’. The BBC table you link to assesses A Level standings by the percentage of students leaving with three A-Levels and the number of points per pupil. BSCS have provided neither of these figures as of yet so any judgement is undue.

  3. Simon wrote “SGC better look at this, future students deserve better”.

    As BSCS is now an academy, SGC (the local authority) has no say in how it is run.

    According to the Department of Education, this is one of the “benefits” of converting to academy status.

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