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[Forum] How’s the traffic on the A38 between Patchway and Aztec West?

Aztec West Roundabout.

Hi Everyone,

We are thinking about moving house soon to the Patchway area. Can anyone tell me what the traffic is normally like on the A38 between Patchway and Aztec West as the house we are looking at is along this stretch?

I know it used to be bad in the evening but no idea about on a morning; not really local to the area at the moment or I would have diven down there at peak times to have a look.

Also since they have added a new lane on Aztec roundabout has it made any improvement to the traffic on the N-Bound carriageway at peak times (towards Aztec)?

Thanks for everyone’s comments in advance good or bad; would really like to hear your opinions.

North Bristol Peter

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  1. Mornings seem to be variable approaching AW from Patchway, evenings always bad except when schools are on holiday. The new lane arrangements at the traffic lights have had zero impact and the bus lane a colossal waste of money.

    At the end of the day the roads can only absorb a finite amount of traffic and peak time saturate point was surpassed years ago. With all the new developments at Filton and Patchway the A38 is going to become even more highly loaded.

  2. Further to the above which says it all very well, we are in for even more traffic with all the houses in place of the airfield, doubt things will get better…

    Personally, having lived on Filton Avenue previously, I would never ever buy a house directly out onto a main road again due to the constant noise and pollution.

    Still, different strokes for different folks, good luck.

  3. Peter

    It is all about the time of day you commute. As long as you travel off-peak you will be fine. (This applies to most busy roads/junctions in the UK).

    Be prepared to either start early or late (assuming your employer will allow) and miss what can be a very painful journey in the AW area.

    If I use the AW junction in the mornings I am there by 7:15 no matter where I am going, by 08:00 it can be a nightmare which lasts for the best part of two hours.

    The same applies after 4:00pm until around 6:00pm.

    Previous comments are very relevant as the surrounding areas are going to be quite heavily developed over the coming years so the traffic situation is not going to improve. Having said that, it is a great area to live so if you can be flexible then you should enjoy being here.

    Best of luck

  4. While schools are off it’s not too bad but is otherwise very congested at peak hours. In good weather I use my bike to get between Bradley Stoke and Aztec West. Since I value my life, I use the cycle tunnel at Patchway rather than negotiate the roundabout.

  5. Once upon a time Jania, if you valued your life it was safer to run the gauntlet of the A38 rather than the underpass!