Jubilee Celebrations get under way in earnest on Friday this week with the unveiling of a commemorative plaque in Bradley Stoke.
The town’s Jubilee Green has secured Fields in Trust status as part of the QEII Fields Challenge and will henceforth be known officially as ‘Queen Elizabeth II Field Jubilee Green’.
The trust status, which was legally conferred on the site in October last year, means the site is protected for the future as public outdoor space and is one of a planned 2012 sites across the UK to be dedicated for the Diamond Jubilee.
Cllr Robert Jones, who initially proposed registration of the field in 2010, explains the importance of the dedication:
“As well as great way to recognise the Diamond Jubilee, Fields in Trust status protects the green for future residents and opens up funding possibilities for enhancing the site.”
To mark the occasion, a commemorative plaque has been sited on the green and will be ceremonially unveiled by Town Mayor Cllr Charlotte Walker on Friday, during the Annual Bradley Stoke Community Festival ‘Parent and Toddlers Picnic in the Park’ which takes place at the site from 9:30am till 1pm.
Local pre-school children are invited to get involved decorating their own bunting triangle in a free craft activity starting at 10am. Organised by the Friends of Jubilee Green, the children’s creations will then be attached to a community bunting string that will hang around the plaque for the duration of the Jubilee Weekend.
Related link: Bradley Stoke Festival, 1st-3rd June 2012 (The Journal)
There is also a Treasure Hunt around the site and entertainment from Professor Panic’s Circus.
Commenting ahead of the celebrations, Cllr Charlotte Walker said:
“The Bradley Stoke Community Festival is always special but with HM The Queen’s Diamond Jubilee this year it promises to be the best ever.”
“I look forward to meeting many residents at the various events this weekend.”
Photo: Professor Panic’s Circus, pictured at a previous Bradley Stoke Festival.
Picture from today’s ceremony on Jubilee Green:
More photos on PicasaWeb.
Find the latest information on the 2012 Bradley Stoke Community Festival here.