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Poundworld value store to open in Bradley Stoke

Poundworld logo.

Poundworld will be opening at the Willow Brook Centre in Bradley Stoke in mid-June bringing up to 20 new jobs to the town.

Poundworld will be stocking thousands of items, including well-known brands, at an unbeatable price – £1.

The popular retailer will be located in the former 8,000 sq. ft. Peacocks unit facing the Willow Brook Centre car park that has over 1,000 spaces and free parking.

Willow Brook Centre Manager Scott Lahive said:

“We’re delighted to welcome Poundworld to the Willow Brook Centre in the heart of Bradley Stoke. We believe it will be a very popular store with our regular shoppers.”

“It’s less than three months since Peacocks ceased trading and Poundworld restores the centre to 100% retail occupancy. Demand from retailers remains strong proving the on-going success of the centre.”

Source: Press release from the Willow Brook Centre

Peacocks store, Bradley Stoke, Bristol.Poundworld already has one store in Bristol – at the Avon Meads Retail Park in St. Philips.

The former Peacocks unit that Poundworld is taking over closed on 22nd February 2012 with the loss of 16 jobs.

The fashion group had been placed into administration a month earlier after failing to restructure debts amounting to £240m.

The Bradley Stoke store was one of 224 stores around the country that ceased trading when the firm was eventually sold to Edinburgh Woollen Mill.

The Willow Brook Centre announced yesterday that Simpson’s fish & chip shop is to close on Saturday (26th May) but said it was confident of finding a replacement food operator “very soon”.

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  1. Wow, really reaping in the up-market shops now, aren’t we?

    Why not go the whole hog and have a lidl too. 🙁

  2. The post above is about as pretentious as it gets. Pray tell gyre, what would you have had there in it’s place then?

  3. To be honest, anything than another cut price store. We already have one right next door to it.

    Pity the proposal to have a full-featured post office was rejected.

    And yup, the post was deliberately pretentious to provoke discussion 🙂

  4. If there was a top notch shop here, it would not atrract the business as a store in Clifton, The Mall or Cabot Circus would, on the plus side twenty more people off the dole queue.

  5. Well I must admit that I am surprised, I never thought that Bradley Stoke could become a worse place to live.

    And then Poundworld came to town……

  6. The big question is not why Poundland, but what size and type of store can compete with a Tesco Extra on site.

    I would like to have seen the centre with a another 5/10 small stores and fewer large ones, but the length of time it has taken to fill the existing plots suggest the demand is not there.

  7. You would rather have this chav magnet of a shop than a proper post office, or a bank, or offices for the Council rather than them blowing £400k on their ivory tower?



  8. Richard what is your problem? don’t you have anything better to do than write comments about a town you don’t even live in?

  9. lol @ Richard….. “calm down dear” as Michael Winner would say. In case it’s escaped you attention, Bradley Stoke isn’t Milan or New York, so you shouldn’t expect any exclusive boutiques.

    It may have escaped your notice, as you dine on you quail’s eggs and venison steaks, but the country is in recession – it’s not just “chavs” that frequent these discount stores now – hence there success in the current climate. Sooner a shop there employing some people than an empty space….

    As for a bank/post office – there are plenty of them within 10-15 mins drive.

  10. If you go to the Mall Cribbs, Cabot Circus, Broadmead or the Mall Galleries, they all have several empty shops. It may be Pound World that’s filling the empty store, but at least it will no longer be empty and there will be 20 more jobs.
    Go to Thornbury, a supposedly more upmarket place than Bradley Stoke, and you will find many charity stores.
    It’s the financial climate at the moment, most of us are looking out for bargains! You are very lucky if you are not!

  11. The Willow Brook Centre is totally dominated by Tescos, so it is difficult to imagine what kind ow stores could thrive there.

    The above suggestion of Bank or Post Office are appealing, but so much is now available by phone and internet that the days of every community having such facilities are over.

    It would be good if one of the large units could be used to host a permenent market.

  12. Ok first off I do live in Bradley Stoke so let’s put that myth to bed.

    Next, whilst I am partial to venison I’m not so keen on quail’s eggs. I also know when to use the correct version of their, there or they’re – perhaps you would like to learn that too Patchway Bloke.

    Finally, not everyone can drive or is computer literate enough to use online facilities – hance the suggestion for a bank and/or Post Office. Will the residents of the new retirement units be expected to learn how to do online banking?

    Get a grip.

  13. Why not a Post Office at the empty shop at Baileys Court?

    No Bumps there for her indoors to endure!

    Went to Yate Tesco yesterday for the weekly shop to give her indoors relief from the bumps, we went into the town centre and I have never seen it so busy on a Sunday, the only I can think it is because a 99p store and Poundland have just opened there they seemed to be rather busy.

    Perhaps Tescos are worried they are losing out to Yate?

  14. Chuchill, from your poorly written entry I think I can deduce that you belive that a pound shop suddenly turned Yate into Oxford Street on Christmas Eve.

    Ummm did the weather not have something to do with it?

  15. To be honest, if M&S, Waitrose or Sainsbury’s had opened you can be sure that Tesco’s would have upped their game with the core food business!

  16. Correcting me on my grammar Richard? Poor show. I admit that I made a freudian slip while typing, be assured I also understand and (usually) practice the correct use of there/their and they’re….

    Oh an while I’m being childish – “hance”….? One assumes that you in fact meant to say “hence”? Those in glass houses my good man……

  17. There is a vast gulf between poor grammar and a typo, but thank you for heads up.
    My secretary has been sacked.

  18. Lol @ Richard again – fair play for not picking up on my second typo “an” instead of “and”….

    You don’t help yourself though do you? I am educated enough thanks, you come across as a proper internet troll. Snob too, why not be happy that an empty shop will be filled, and people will have gainful employment.

    As an aside, I checked the Poundworld website, some good deals to be fair – especially on cleaning products. Perhaps you should get your butler to go in for you to save a few pounds – what you save you can spend on edible gold and Pheasent?

  19. Very disappointed to hear we are getting another cut price store in the town centre with two competing against one another one of them will surely go out of business
    Please let’s have a post office or a decent clothes store

  20. If wanting to live in a better place with a better standard of living is the definition of an internet troll and a snob, then i am guilty.

    Btw, pheasant is vastly overrated and Tesco cleaning products are perfectly acceptable.

  21. Richard thank you for your response noting two spelling mistakes.

    Hands up I am no Wordsmith.

    But my observation can be back by facts

    From the Gloucestershire Gazette dated the 17th of May 2012

    Yate Shopping Centre manager Andrew Lowrey said the arrival of 99p Stores was brokered directly by BeWise after the firm decided to concentrate its own business on smaller sized units.

    He added: “Consumers are increasingly value-conscious and therefore single price operators are experiencing considerable growth.

    “Poundland, for example, proved to be an instant success with over 6,000 customers visiting the new store in the first three days of opening.

    “This is great news for our retailers as the shopping centre has seen an increase in footfall around the walkways.”

    At the end of the day The Willow Brook centre is more of a retail park than a town centre

  22. I agree that 6000 customers visiting the store in the first 3 days is an impressive number, but I wonder how many of the 6000 actually bought something, and how many will be returning customers.

    I’m also sceptical as to how they came up with such a round number. Were they actually physically counting the number of people through the doors, were the same people counted twice if they left and then returned the same day?

    Stats can be useful, but also very misleading if the method used to create the stat is not divulged.

  23. Yate and Chipping Sodbury are going to have a good mixture of shops when M & S opens in Yate and Waitrose is built in Chipping Sodbury.

  24. “Wanting to live in a better place with a better standard of living” – Come on!! It’s a Poundworld Richard, not a crack den…!! Jeez….!!

    Within a 15 minute drive is Cribbs Causeway, surely there you can sate your need for more expensive finery?

    As an aside for those wishing for a Post Office, a Post Office in a retail space the size of Peacocks/Poundworld? When (again) within 15 mins drive there are Post Offices in both Little Stoke and Patchway?!? I honestly think some people from Bradley Stoke are deluded. I really do.

  25. Obviously living in Patchway has dulled your ambition for bettering yourself, must be all the crack dens there.

    Again I refer you to my previous comment regarding not everyone being able to drive, but needing the services that a post office and/or bank can offer – you seem to have mysteriously glossed over these.

    Perhaps your view of the world from behind the cheaply tinted windows of your cut and shut Vauxhall Astra is somewhat skewed.

  26. @ Richard….HA HA HA HA!!!

    I will accept that perhaps Bradley Stoke would benefit (well those who can’t drive who live in Bradley Stoke) from more local post office/banking facilities. So no, not glossing over that – a valid point – albeit from you, hence taking the “sheen” off somewhat.

    As for your opening gambit? That’s the work of a troll my good friend. I shan’t induldge you anymore than that, suffice to say what you put there illustrates you’re a pretentious sort. Clearly.

    As for the latter? Again, you condemn yourself. Illustrate what sort of a man you are based on your (quite clearly held) generalisations. I know it’s chav tv and what not, but I see you as being Dufrais from Facejacker. At least that sort of person….Pedant, snob, intellectual better? Sound familiar?

  27. Richard, ‘Churchill the nodding dog’, ‘Patchway Bloke’ et alia – I think it’s time to accept your differences. Any further comments containing personal insults are likely to be rejected.

  28. Pleased to hear about the new store, my son was thrilled with Pound whatsit when it opened I just don’t know what he will do with so much choice. He particularly like a plastic, solar power buddah they stocked, but as they never reduced it he chose to leave it on the shelf. But being 16 I suspose he is a bit odd.

  29. Bradley Stoke’s new Poundworld store has its “Grand Opening” at 10am on Thursday (14th June). N.B. This is one day earlier than advertised on flyers handed out at the Willow Brook Centre this weekend.

  30. Agree, a Waitrose or M&S food hall or even another clothing store would have been good for some variety.

    I understand the need for value shops as there is a recession but there must be people with money in Bradley Stoke to have two betting shops so close together!!

  31. It’s all demand and supply. Obviously stores such as Waitrose and M&S do not see the demand in Bradley Stoke, on the other hand the pound shops do!

  32. These discount stores are doing a very good job at filling the gap left by the demise of Woolworths, and the fact that everything is so cheap helps us all out. In putting the two discount stores next to each other the WB landlords will create market competition which again is a good thing for all of us!
    It shouldn’t matter about the reputation of stores, any new store that is going to bring in the customers from far and wide should be welcomed by the local community. You would be surprised how many people come to the W.B.C from out of the area because of the retail variation that it has. I work with people who live as far out as Filton and Southmead and a fair few of them come here to Bradley Stoke to do their weekly shop.

  33. Shopped till we dropped in Poundworld, basketfuls of of ‘stuff’ we need all for £18 pounds, it was heaving, maybe ‘cos it’s new(?) and we noted Poundstretcher was quiet, however we used both to get many many brand name household essentials at very low prices, Poundworld will now give Tesco some competition methinks, we’ll be back.

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