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Bristol Cat Show to be staged at Leisure Centre

Bristol and District Cat Club's Annual Show.

Saturday 5th May 2012 sees the 10th Annual Cat Show of the Bristol and District Cat Club which, this year, is being held at Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre.

The show is booked to capacity and, as always, visitors will be able to see nearly 400 pedigree cats of many different breeds all ultimately competing for a ‘best in show’ prize.

As well as being able to look at beautiful cats, visitors will the opportunity to visit the stalls and shop for all sorts of ‘catty’ things to take home to their much loved pets.

The Bristol and District Cat Club was founded 20 years ago to encourage both the breeding and showing of cats as well as their health and welfare. The Annual Show, which is held under the rules of the Governing Council of the Cat Fancy, is the main fund raising event of the club’s year.

Money from the show is donated to a number of local cat rescues who are always in need of support for the excellent work that they do.

The show opens to visitors at 1pm and closes at around 4:30pm. There is a small entrance charge of £3 for adults and £2 for children and seniors.

The club says it looks forward to welcoming visitors and having a successful day!

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