Town Council’s first-ever litter picker moves to pastures new

Dave Dace, Litter PickerA familiar sight on the highways and byways of Bradley Stoke will be seen for the last time today when Dave Dace, the Town Council’s first-ever litter picker, works his final day in the job.

The position of Mobile Cleansing Operative (MCO), to give the job its official title, was launched with great fanfare in April 2009 after the Town Council agreed to fund the part-time role and the lease of a white Vauxhall van for the Operative  to use on his daily rounds of the Town’s litter hot-spots.

Back then, Mr Dace was welcomed into his job by a group of six Councillors and officers at a photo call staged at the Brook Way Activity Centre – which the Journal duly recorded for posterity.

After his first week in the job, Mr Dace reported that most of the litter he had collected had been food wrappers and drinks cans/cartons, much of which appeared to have been thrown from cars.

There was talk of the Council seeking a contribution towards litter-picking costs from local takeaway outlets but this appears not to have been pursued in the intervening years.

In addition to his regular duties, Mr Dace was also instrumental in organising a number of community action days, including the Big Tidy Up in October 2009 and the Big Spring Clean in 2010.

He also created a webpage for the Bradley Stoke Street Carers group and was even moved to publish a poem about his MCO job.

A unanimous vote of thanks for Mr Dace’s hard work over the last three years was recorded at February’s meeting of the Town Council.

The Council is currently advertising to find a replacement for Mr Dace. Further details can be found on our Bradley Stoke Jobs page. Applications must be made by next Wednesday (28th March).

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  1. I would like to commend David for the excellent work he has done since joining, and wish him well for the future.
    The establishment of such a post is yet again another superb initiative from Bradley Stoke Town Council.

  2. I think saying it is a “superb initiative” is overstating the situation somewhat, I would call it the application of common sense.

    But then again common sense is in short supply at BSTC.

    To Dave, thank you for all that you have done and I wish you well for the future.

  3. Dave has done a great job in the last few years in picking up litter. I wonder how many people who he has had to clear up after were caught/prosecuted?

    As for our erstwhile “leader”, what happened to that little thing called succession planning or do you think waiting until the post becomes vacant before advertising for a replacement is another of your superb initiatives?

  4. Now if Cllr Avenin was to fill the gap whilst a replacement was sought, that would be a superb initiative!

  5. Richard says that this is merely the application of common sense. Yes but BSTC has actually done this. How many other Town Councils can say the same?

    Regarding succession planning I understand the ‘gap’ will not be too long – as there is such a thing as Notice.

    Nevertheless if Victor Melrew would like to join me I would be happy to participate in an impromptu clean up at an area of his choice.

  6. Rog, once again you have completely missed the point. What I was commenting on was your use of the phrase “superb initiative” to something was was only common sense. Is the self esteem at BSTC so low that you have to attempt to overpraise yourselves for a simple task?

  7. Richard this may be only common sense to you as you are obviously a forward thinking enlightened individual. However it is pleasing to note that you believe the Town Council is exercising good common sense.

    Victor. the rate payable is exactly the same as all your local councillors get ie nothing. All our time and efforts are given freely as our contribution towards the local community. What is your contribution?

  8. Cllr Avenin, my contribution is the hard earned tax I pay every month into your coffers . Have you forgotten or do you just forget it’s other peoples money you fritter away?

  9. Victor. Sadly taxation is a legal requirement and cannot be counted as a voluntary contribution. If this was the case I wonder how much revenue the Treasury would collect. So what voluntary contributions do you make ?

    Regarding frittering away your council tax precept we take great care in every single item of expenditure to ensure best value for money.

  10. Cllr Avenin, I don’t know the reasons why you became a councillor, those reasons are only known to yourself. If however it was to act in a condescending, higher than mighty manner, to treat your electorate as stupid, praise yourself at every opportunity and generally be an oaf then you are doing a damn good job! Just put it on your next campaign leaflet. I just can’t wait for the public facilities to be ready at your new swanky building!

  11. Victor. Please excuse me if I ignore your ‘pleasantries’ but your description of our new building as ‘swanky’ is way off the mark. This is no more than a basic functional building to save money for the Council and therefore taxpayers in the future .If you can’t understand this I suggest your read my first posting under the subject of Council Office New Build which explains this in very basic terms.

    On a general note I hope I still have your support.

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