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Golf course agrees to clean up its act following mud complaints

Woodlands Golf & Country Club, Trench Lane, Winterbourne

A local golf course has agreed to implement a set of measures designed to reduce the amount of mud deposited on a busy Bradley Stoke road by construction vehicles visiting the site.

A number of local residents had complained about mud covering almost the entire stretch of Woodlands Lane, which was being made worse during periods of wet weather.

The vehicles responsible are understood to be delivering earth to the Woodlands Golf & Country Club in Trench Lane, as part of a project to raise the level of a number of holes on one of its two courses.

The club has appointed Churngold Recycling Limited (CRL) to carry out the work, which started in January and could run for up to two years.

South Gloucestershire Councillor for Bradley Stoke North Ben Walker (Conservative) took up residents’ concerns with CRL and the golf course’s management, including having a meeting to discuss ways of resolving the problems.

As a result, the following measures are reported to have been put in place:

  • Additional tarmac surfacing is to be laid between the site entrance and the wheel-washing facility that has been installed on site;
  • All delivery drivers to be provided with clear instructions regarding the process when delivering materials to the site;
  • One full time road sweeper is allocated to the site as a minimum to clean Woodlands Lane;
  • Clearer signage along Woodlands Lane;
  • Regular communications and information-sharing between all parties.

Cllr Walker said:

“I have been contacted by a large number of local residents who have become increasingly concerned about the muddy state of Woodlands Lane and how much worse this becomes during periods of bad weather.”

“This was all the more alarming when you consider that we were just a few weeks into what could be a two-year contract of transporting earth along this important local road.”

“I took up these concerns with both the company and the golf course and have been really encouraged by the positive response I have received and the steps that are now being taken to resolve these problems and work with the community.”

“I will continue to monitor the situation closely and press for any further action that residents feel may be necessary.”

Golf Course Owner Ian Knipe added:

“It was very useful to have the meeting with Ben and Churngold and I believe we have managed to resolve the issues that were concerning the local residents.”

“Woodlands is open to everybody in the local community and we truly believe the golf course is an asset to Bradley Stoke.”

“Our aim has always been to improve on what we offer in the way of golf and by planting trees to ensure we make the best of our local countryside.”

“Woodlands will hold an open day to provide further information on Saturday 31st March 2012, where our team will on hand to answer any questions.”

Footnote: The golf course’s website is currently displaying the following message:

“As you may be aware there are still four holes on The Masters Course which were not finished when the work was completed to take Woodlands from 18 to 36 holes.”

“From Tuesday 3rd January 2012 we will begin work which will last for approximately 18 months to remodel the tees fairways and upgrade the remaining greens to USGA standard.”

“We have secured the services of one of the best golf design architects in the country, Weller Designs, to make sure the new holes are of the highest quality.”

“Whilst these four  holes are out of commission we will keep the rest of the course open in the format of an Executive 14-hole Course starting on the existing 16th hole which is in front of the pro shop and then sign posted from there.”

Related link: Golf Courses near Bradley Stoke (The Journal)

Cllr Ben Walker at the construction site

Photo: Cllr Ben Walker at the construction site.

Cllr Ben Walker at the construction siteCllr Ben Walker at the construction site
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