Occupational Therapy students from the University of the West of England (UWE) spent two days last week at the Brook Way Activity Centre helping the 1st Bradley Stoke Scout Group check through its camping equipment.
The Town Council has allowed the scouts to site a storage container alongside the centre and the group’s outdoor equipment was recently transferred there from its previous home with another scout group in Muller Road, Bristol.
The students had volunteered for the work as part of UWE’s Widening Occupation Weeks (WOW) programme, which gives first year Occupational Therapy students an opportunity to experience and reflect on a range of occupations through engagement with a variety of community and third sector (voluntary) groups, while simultaneously helping local organisations to get a job done.
A squad of ten students was given the task of pitching six patrol tents on land adjacent to the centre and “working out what goes with what”, under the friendly supervision of Group Scout Leader Mark Gollop and Group Chair Clive Mason.
The students also made sure that the scout’s marquee and dining shelter were in working order with no missing poles, guy ropes or tent pegs.
The WOW programme has been running since 2006 and allows each student to contribute up to eight days of voluntary work. with a minimum of three different organisations, over a two week period.
Other local organisations the students have worked with this year include Marie Curie, St Peter’s Hospice, Children’s Playlink and Stapleton Allotments.
Any groups interested in getting involved in next February’s WOW programme should contact UWE before the end of October.
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