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Estate agents looking to expand premises

Proposed extension of Woods Estate Agents, Bradley Stoke, Bristol

The Woods estate agency in Bradley Stoke has submitted a planning application to expand its premises.

The branch, housed in the same building as Aldi (off Ferndene), would see its floorspace increased by a third – from 75sqm to 100sqm should the application get the go-ahead from planners.

The extra space will be created by adding a 4.6m wide single-storey side extension along the full length of the unit.

Ten car parking spaces at the side of the present building will be lost as a result of the expansion, reducing the total number of spaces within the domain of the retail units at the site from 100 to 90, although the applicant points out that a further 74 spaces belonging to the Bradley Stoke pub are also available.

Three new cycle parking spaces will be created at the rear of the new extension.

Most other estate agents in Bradley Stoke, with the exception of Lifestyle, have moved their offices to the new town centre since it opened in October 2008. Lifestyle, which was located at the town centre prior to its redevelopment, now has its office at Bradley Pavilions, on the other side of Patchway Brook Roundabout from Woods. Reed Rains (formerly Halifax) closed its office at Bradley Pavilions last year.

Related link: Estate Agents in Bradley Stoke (The Journal)

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  1. Town Councillors voted to object to this proposal at their Planning Committee meeting on 29th Feb:

    “Councillor Keith Cranney proposed OBJECTION on the grounds of loss of parking provision on the site, seconded by Councillor Roger Avenin. A vote was taken, 5 in favour, 1 against, proposal carried”

    South Gloucestershire Council officials, however, have recommended approval in their Circulated Schedule issued today.

    District Councillors now have five working days to decide if they wish to “call-in” the recommended decision.

  2. Today’s news is that no District Councillors “called-in” the planning application, so it has therefore been duly approved by South Gloucestershire Council.

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