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Council attempts to clear up consultation confusion

Bradley Stoke Way road safety petition launch

South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) has moved to clear up confusion over the status of a number of consultations relating to proposed road safety improvement measures on Bradley Stoke Way.

The Council had drawn criticism over the delay in publishing the results of its original consultation, held from 20th December 2011 to 8th January 2012, and the fact that it had started further consultations before publishing the results of the first.

The Journal learned last week that the results of the first consultation had been published on 3rd February but the Council had attached them to what appeared to be a new consultation running from 3rd February to 19th February, i.e. a consultation on the consultation results!

Following an official complaint, the results have been moved to their proper place on the SGC website – attached to the webpage of the first consultation and marked “consultation summary” – and the “new” consultation deleted.

Feedback was given by six individuals, with two agreeing to the proposals but with reservations, two giving comments without expressing a preference and two disagreeing with the proposals.

A further three consultations, on the statutory notices required to implement various aspects of the scheme, have also been announced by the Council in recent weeks.

A consultation on the statutory notice for the proposed new toucan crossing ran from 16th January to 8th February. The Council has yet to announce if any objections were received but says that “a decision by the Executive member will be published in due course”.

Two further consultations, on the statutory notices for the proposed bus lane and speed limit changes, are currently open and both of these will end on 1st March.

In case you’re still confused, The Journal has set up an overview page, listing all the consultations and their status.

The proposed measures are in response to a petition signed by more than 3,900 people following two serious accidents on a stretch of the road near the Willow Brook Centre during 2011.

Bradley Stoke Way road signs near the Willow Brook Centre


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