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Headteacher seeks urgent review of road safety measures

Dave Baker, Bradley Stoke Community School

Dave Baker, headteacher of Bradley Stoke Community School, has called for an urgent review of road safety measures on Bradley Stoke Way following last Friday’s accident that has left a 13-year-old student from the school in a coma in Frenchay Hospital.

The boy, now named as Ben Thompson, is reported to have broken arms, a broken right upper leg, possible injuries to internal organs and swelling of the brain. His condition is said to be “critical but stable”.

In a letter to parents/carers of children at the school, Mr Baker says that police are at an early stage of their investigation and have drawn no conclusions as to who is at fault for the accident, which led to Bradley Stoke Way being closed in both directions for over four hours.

Referring to an earlier incident in February this year, which left a 10-year-old cyclist with life-changing injuries, Mr Baker writes:

“As this is the second incident this year involving young people being seriously injured in exactly the same place on Bradley Stoke Way, I am in contact with other headteachers locally and other community groups to seek an urgent review of speed limits and safety measures on and around Bradley Stoke Way, as there appears to have been no change since a meeting with the Highways Department at South Gloucestershire Council in July during which major safety concerns were raised.”

Mr Baker also reports that police are concerned at some “irresponsible and inappropriate” use of social media in relation to the accident, including naming Ben immediately after the incident, before members of his family had been contacted about what had happened.

Police have been monitoring online activity, which is said to have included a hate campaign against the motorcyclist involved in the incident.

Related link: Police seek witnesses after teenager seriously injured in collision (Avon and Somerset Police)

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  1. Oh comon hate campaigns that is so horrible especially when they don’t know whos fault it is. hope both are doing well and hope they recover soon

  2. The BSCS letter also states:

    “The motorcyclist is in hospital with a broken leg and a broken arm and
    is, understandably, severely traumatised by what has happened as well.”

    Apologies for not including this in the original article.

  3. Good to see the school is addressing this as there were alot of terrible rumours flying around at the weekend.
    I really do hope they speak to pupils to reenforce road safety as when I drove past the pedestration crossing at 15.45 today and the lights were green BSCS children were still weaving between the cars to cross.
    I wish all the best to the families and friends concerned

  4. Agree with Anonymous, it does need to be drummed into the students of BSCS that they should only cross when lights are red and all traffic stopped. I have had to stop when lights are green because students are still crossing the road.

    Hope both involved in the recent accident recover fully and soon, and hope the families concerned are bearing up.

  5. South Glos are at best incompetant, so their ideas usually cause more problems than they will solve.. A footbridge would help the problem as it did when a friend was killed on the A38 in 1978. But the problem isn’t providing the solution it is getting the “we know best” generation of teens to use it… Put up a bridge and a fence all the way down the middle of the road at least 5 foot tall to STOP them using “Short Cuts”… and move the light crossing up to the Wheatfield Drive exit on to Bradley Stoke Way, and put the control of this on to the teachers and parents who MUST force the idea that short cuts kill.. As Patchway High School still has teens running across the A38, how many accidents and deaths will it take to teach them…

  6. @annoyed

    or we could reduce the speed limit around the school instead of building a bridge that would be more suited to crossing a railway track or a dual carriageway. Why do we put the needs of the motorist over those of the community?

  7. Children would not use the foot bridge. I was on the A40 today just as you get to Oxford, There is a foot bridge to ensure the Children don’t cross on the road. At school arrival time 50% seemed to be taking their chance on the road rathar than the extra walk. Why would our children be different?

  8. can i just say not all of the kids do that im a kid and have never done that i always wait for the lights like everyone else

  9. It’s worth saying that since the light-controlled crossing between the Lesiure Centre and Willow Brook was upgraded a couple of years ago, the lights seem to take a lot longer to change to red after pressing the button than previously. I’ve seen many frustrated people (adults as well as children) cross on green because of this. Something for the council to look at?

  10. I witnessed a near miss AGAIN on that road last night. An IDIOT in a SAAB convertible flew through the RED lights when 2 teenage girls were crossing and it was a very near miss I can tell you. If the girls hadnt have seen him and ran, they would have been hit at some speed! Need to have cameras on those lights too to catch these kind of idiots. Drivers PLEASE be aware! I’m as guilty as any but after hearing what happened last week, we need to kill our speed and especially more aware when it is likely to be busy with pedestrians. Not saying anyone was at fault in that accident last week as we don’t know, but we should ALL take note of the concequences.

  11. Beatty’s post highlights the real issue here – careless / reckless road users.

    A pedestrian bridge won’t address this, it will simply inconvenience pedestrians and prove an absolute pain for those with pushchairs or wheelchair users. Not to mention being ugly.

    To be honest, I don’t understand why that crossing was upgraded as part of the CyclingCity works – it really should have been removed entirely and the existing pelican crossing upgraded to a puffin to formally accommodate cyclists. Whilst some idiotic road users will ignore a red light, they do at least give pedestrians a chance when crossing such a busy road.

  12. Just come back from holiday to hear the horrific news. I hope the injured parties have a speedy recovery and wish thier families the strength to support them.

    I’ve read through the postings and I’m concerned that not one of them is from any of our councillors. There are 5 south glos and 15 BSTC cllrs and not one of them had posted anything (in their own name anyway). There’s a lot of strong feeling out there and they must respond positively and act on our behalf.

  13. Some new signs seen to have appeared by the crossing point saying “pedestrians crossing”

    I can’t remember spotting them before today

  14. JonBoy, as a former councillor yourself, surely you are aware of the protocols.
    It is not what is done in the glare of publicty and self promotion, it is want is done in the background that counts.

  15. Just to let everyone know, the petition for a “Safer Bradley Stoke Way” will be launched this Saturday 15th 12pm at the Willowbrook Centre. We are looking for as many volunteers as possible to collect signatures. Our hope is that there will be enough people to knock on every door in Bradley Stoke. Anyone interested in supporting this by either signing or collecting signatures please join us. Our target is 2500 signatures which would mean a full council meeting would have to be held to discuss our proposals.

    There will also be an e-petition (details to follow shortly).

  16. I’ve signed the petition anyway. But don’t agree with lowering the whole of Bradley Stoke Way to 30mph. I feel that a raised toucan crossing, lane restriction and signage will be more than adequate. I would however push the speed limit change from 40-30mph visa-versa further down onto the main straight.

  17. Mark (former councillor)
    I’m not trying to make any political point, but from reading the postings you must realise how concerned and agitated residents are about the whole speed issue. I know you and current councilloors read BSJ and so it would be nice just to get a reassuring post from at least one of them telling residents that they are doing something proactive. It’s not a lot to ask, is it?

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