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Exhibitions on the future of Filton Airfield

Filton Airfield, Bristol [Photo by Rob Brewer]

A series of exhibitions about Filton Airfield and its future are to be staged by South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) during October.

Following the announcement in April by BAE Systems that it intends to close Filton Airfield in December 2012, the Council put out a Position Statement that set out possible options for how the planned closure of the airfield could be dealt with in the Core Strategy (its main planning document for guiding and managing new development and change in South Gloucestershire up to 2026).

Consultation on the Position Statement ended on 29th July and the comments received can be reviewed on the SGC website.

The Council is now giving residents a further chance to comment on the future of the airfield at a series of exhibitions throughout October.

An unstaffed exhibition about options for the airfield will be staged at Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre from Tuesday 4th October until Tuesday 11th October.

The exhibition will summarise the feedback from the Position Statement consultation and provide residents with a further opportunity to express their views on the future of the airfield.  This will include further information about why BAE Systems have made the decision to close the airfield.

Additionally, a staffed exhibition will be hosted at the new Severnvale Locality Hub in Rodway Road, Patchway, on Tuesday 11th October from 3pm to 7:30pm.

The exhibition material will also be available to view on the SGC website from Monday 3rd October at

Other staffed exhibitions are taking place at Cribbs Causeway Business Centre on Monday 3rd October and BAWA (Filton) on Monday 17th October.

The Council says it is particularly interested to hear what residents think about the following questions and asks that responses to the consultation are structured in this way:

  1. Do you accept that the closure of Filton Airfield is the only realistic option? Yes/No
  2. If No to (1) above, what would you suggest as a way to keep the airfield viable? Do you have any information to support this?
  3. If Yes to (1) above, how do you think the Airfield should be reused/redeveloped? What would you wish to see included in the redevelopment?

Responses may be emailed to or posted to South Gloucestershire Council, Spatial Planning Team, PO Box 2081, South Gloucestershire. See the consultation page for the Council’s privacy statement.

A recent public meeting arranged by Filton Town Council to discuss the future of the airfield heard one member of the public accuse BAE Systems Director Andrew Cheeseman of being a “mugger” who was “not just selling the family silver but smelting it down and selling it as scrap.”

Bradley Stoke Mayor Ben Walker originally came out against the closure but has since altered his opinion to align himself with local MP Jack Lopresti, who has accepted BAE System’s assertion that the airfield is economically unviable.

Related link: Filton Airfield (South Glos Post)

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