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Cardboard recycling bags available for collection

Cardboard recycling bag

South Gloucestershire Council (SGC) is now making it even easier for people to recycle their cardboard waste by providing local residents with a free bag.

According to information on the SGC website, the bags are now available for collection from Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre and Bradley Stoke Library on a “one per household, first come, first served basis whilst stocks last”.

Executive Member for Communities, Cllr James Hunt said:

“We have listened to the views of residents who are keen to recycle as much cardboard as possible and these bags will help us to increase the amount of cardboard that is recycled, reduce contamination of the green bin and make the streets tidier.”

“We are aware that some residents do not want additional containers therefore cardboard presented neatly at the kerbside in other containers will continue to be collected as normal.”

Cardboard is no longer collected from the green wheeled bin as it is now being recycled, rather than composted down with garden waste, allowing it to be used again and again, which is more environmentally friendly – according to the Council.

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  1. The Leisure Centre had them in last Thursday, before the date on the SGC Website of the 22/8/11, I have been in twice and not been able to get one. They should have just handed them to each household or put a note on the green bins to say call this number is you want one…another stupid idea yet again from the council!

  2. I’ve just been to Bradley Stoke Leisure Centre and they have already run out. I can’t help but wonder how serious the Council are about ensuring that every household that wants one of these bags can get one!

  3. Just went to collect from Bradley Stoke and there’s none left! They couldn’t tell me when or if they would have any more.
    Why don’t they just deliver them like they did the plastic recycling bags?

  4. Seems as though they have already run out at BS Leisure Centre and do not know if they will receive anymore from the council. So our poor cardboard is going to have to go soggy! 🙁

  5. Agreed Will. We all had a white plastic recycling bag delivered. I rang Patchway Town Council today, and they have 125 (is that enough?!?) but you have to collect them during working hours Monday to Friday.

    I assume we can look at budget cuts as the reason that every household will not be getting a bag delivered. However, to me that fact makes a mockery of the glib soundbite from the SGC Councillor. How can I collect my bag? Do I have to take a day off work?!?

  6. @Will, agreed! We are all expected to recycle the cardboard, so why can’t we ALL have one, delivered to each household as all other recycling bins?

  7. I contacted South Glos Council & this is what they said:

    The reason bags have been made available on a first-come-first-serviced basis is because the Council recognise that many households already use alternative receptacles for their waste cardboard and we are mindful of the need to keep costs down wherever possible. This may be reviewed at a later date, dependent on finance.

    Bags could have been delivered via the recycling services but the weight of the bags means that comparatively small numbers can be carried on lorries at any one time. Carrying bags on lorries would necessitate repeat return trips to the depot to restock; delays in the service and, extra costs. Additionally, we recognise that not all households will require a bag. The only exception to this rule is where a resident is elderly or disabled and has no other able-bodied person living with them who could collect a bag.

  8. Vicky at the Town Council has informed us that they have now given out all of their allocated cardboard recycling bags

    SGC say there will be a further delivery at the end of September.

  9. As full time workers we did not stand a chance to get a bag. We recycle a lot of cardboard – our green bin was always full! Do we stand any chance next time? Probably not. Felt sorry for the poor leisure centre workers who had to deal with all the aggravation. Did all the BSC workers get a bag?

  10. @JonBoy, That might not go down too well with the folks in Filton. At the Southern Brooks Area Forum meeting on Tuesday night, there were claims that Filton, Stoke Gifford and Patchway were trying to “take over” Filton. They might not be too chuffed about us “stealing” their recycling bags!

  11. LATEST (Tuesday 13th September): Bradley Stoke Town Council has a new supply of bags in the office for the public to collect.

    Anyone know if the Leisure Centre and/or Library has them too?

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