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Glider video shows Bradley Stoke from the air

Bradley Stoke by Air - YouTube video

A local man has posted a video of “Bradley Stoke from the air“, filmed from a radio-controlled (R/C) glider, on YouTube.

Greg Willis, of Diana Gardens, launched the aircraft from the area known as “The Tump” in the Three Brooks Local Nature Reserve and the three-minute film shows views of Bradley Stoke Community School, the Leisure Centre, The Lakes and Savages Wood.

There are long-distance shots of housing areas in the centre of Bradley Stoke and some close up views of Champs Sur Marne.

Greg told The Journal:

“I’ve recently taken up the hobby of R/C gliding, thanks to a Christmas present from my girlfrield – a small plane, which grew into a large (2m wingspan) glider following a small investment ;).”

“I’ve joined a club, the South Cotswold Soaring Association, mainly to ensure I am covered with insurance and to familiarise myself with the FAA regulations.”

“The flight complied with FAA Rules for R/C aircraft and I have insurance via the British Model Flying Association (BMFA).”

He says he decided to make the Bradley Stoke video after seeing similar ones on YouTube. Other areas filmed by Greg so far include Clevedon and Thornbury and he is already looking to cover more areas of Bristol, with a plan to film the Clifton Suspension Bridge after launching his glider from The Downs.

For the technically-minded, the glider is a Parkzone Radian and it was fitted with a Toshiba S10 camera. Launched by hand, the aircraft has an electric motor to help it gain height.

The backing track on the Bradley Stoke video is by local band The Riverbrew, in which Greg plays saxophone. He explained:

“We play covers for weddings in the South West … I thought it was a good way of publicising tracks off our CD.”

The Riverbrew

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  1. It’s a shame Greg Willis didn’t decide to publish closeups of his house and neighbours gardens. ‘Peeping Tom’ springs to mind or maybe ‘Peeping Greg’!!!

  2. @ concerned resident, you must have heard of Google Street View and Google Maps in which I guarantee there’s far more detail available of your house/garden/car than you could ever see in this harmless glider video.

    Greg’s done a great job and has taken all the right steps with regards to insurance and regulation compliance so not sure why his effort needs to be knocked.

  3. You may have noticed that google covers all addresses. Greg seems to have concentrated on a few specific houses and notably not in his own road!

  4. Maybe I just don’t like the idea of a self-appointed ‘big brother’ spying on us with his toy plane and video camera…

  5. Haha Eye in the Sky obviously doesn’t realise the gardens Greg zoomed into are not those concerned in the supposed land grab

  6. And there’s a very good reason why the glider couldn’t be flown to Diana Gardens and its surrounding roads but I will let you work that one out for yourself Concerned Resident.

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