Tesco bans balloons over staff allergy fears

Tesco Extra in Bradley Stoke has banned people from bringing balloons into the store over fears that a member of staff could suffer an allergic reaction, reports the Bristol Evening Post.

A mother and her young son were “accosted” by a security guard, who told them they couldn’t come into the supermarket carrying a balloon because “someone could have an allergic reaction to the latex”.

A Tesco spokesperson is quoted as explaining that a member of staff at the store has a severe latex allergy so customers are asked “not to bring latex balloons into this one store”.

Read more: Mother’s fury as Tesco security guard stops son, 3, carrying balloon

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  1. What a stupid story the Bristol Evening Post has decided to print. I know the member of staff who has this latex allergy and it’s quite a serious matter. The so called ‘ban’ has been in place for years and no customers have complained before.

  2. I don’t mind balloons but I wish supermarkets would crack down on sudden and alarming football bouncing in the aisles.